Discussion Panel 2. Connection between school and non-school learning experiences
This discussion panel focuses on the strategies that help students to connect the learning experiences they have in different contexts, both inside and outside the educational centers. Turning these experiences into an object of analysis, reflection and critical assessment from the formal education centers help students to attribute a greater meaning and personal value to what they learn in the school context. Among the strategies used in educational centers in order to facilitate, promote and enhance the connection between the learning experiences of students, the following should be mentioned: 1) identify students´ meaningful learning experiences originated outside the school context and connect them with school learning; 2) promote the learning of culturally sensitive content and/or content linked to students´ usual activities; and 3) incorporate and take advantage of the resources and learning opportunities available in the community setting and in the network.
The connection between learning experiences
Research team “Learning with meaning”
Connect learning experiences originated in different times and places
Institut Quatre Cantons
Connection between school and non-school learning experiences
Institut Josep Vallverdú – Les Borges Blanques
The connection of learning experiences
Institut Cal Gravat