personalized learning

The 20 days of Personalized Learning Guide

2021-01-18T11:00:23+01:00December 7th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

Educational Elements presents a tool for all teachers PreK-12, from those who are new to implementing personalized learning (PL) to those who are further along on their journey. The 20 days of Personalized Learning Guide include 5 tactics to implement per week, a weekly suggested format (instructional model) to try whether you are new to PL or experienced with PL, ample resources to support the implementation of each tactic and  an example instructional model putting some of the tactics from the week into practice. Learn more Click on the image to download

Video conferencia: “¿A qué llamaremos “ir a la escuela” en la educación post-COVID?”

2020-07-21T11:01:02+01:00July 21st, 2020|Tags: , , |

En el marco de las "charlas COVID-19", organizadas por Faro Digital, el director de nuestro equipo, el Dr. César Coll, participó junto a Mercè Gisbert en la videoconferencia: "¿A qué llamaremos "ir a la escuela” en la educación post-COVID?" La actividad tuvo lugar el día 20 de Julio de 2020. Puedes ver la videoconferencia a continuación:

What is a Personal Learning Network?

2020-07-02T11:19:48+01:00April 27th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

In the video below, Marc-André Lalande offers a concise, useful definition that simplifies the idea from hashtags and movements and social engagement and badges and, well, all the buzzwords you hear, into a clear explanation that works not just within education, but any field. “A Personal Learning Network -PLN is a way of describing the group of people that you connect with to learn their ideas, their questions, their reflections, and their references. Your PLN is not limited to online interactions, but it is that online, global interactive part that really makes it special. It is personal because you choose who’s part [...]

Novedad: Newsletter de BLE

2020-02-19T10:24:37+01:00February 19th, 2020|Tags: , |

Recientemente, el equipo de Bridging Learning Experiencies (BLE) hemos creado un newsletter con el que difundir las últimas novedades del sitio web y crear un nuevo canal de acercamiento para investigadores, profesionales de la educación y diferentes agentes involucrados en el ámbito educativo. Este newsletter es de formato digital y se enviará a través del correo electrónico con periodicidad bimensual.Si deseas recibir información de nuestras noticias, voces y recursos más destacados, ¡suscríbete aquí!    

Learner Voice

2020-02-12T09:09:02+01:00February 12th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

The Institute for Personalized Learning, division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 presents in this section one of the principal elements of personalized learning closely associated to learning goals: Learner Voice. The role of learner voice implies making decisions, set goals and take ownership of their progress. The final aim is to construct learning communities to advocating for resources and learning supports. In this section you will find some resources about the why, what and how of the role of learner voice: Why? Research Article: Amplifying Student Voice (pgs. 242-252) What? Blog post: Student Voice in Educational Reform Blog post: Learner Voice Demonstrates [...]

From Vision to Reality: Personalized, Competency-Based Learning for All Kids

2020-02-05T09:03:56+01:00February 5th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

From this page you can download for free this guide designed by Virgel Hammonds and Jesse Moyer. The authors talk about the pillars of personalized learning, which involves putting students in the center and requires attending to four factors: deeper learning, equitable and basic curriculum, considering the learner agency, and the social and emotional skills. It offers recommendations to implement personalized learning with strategies for students, teachers and districts or communities. Download the report

Publicació del llibre “Aprenentatge amb sentit i valor personal: Estratègies, recursos i experiències de personalització educativa”

2020-02-04T11:05:01+01:00February 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

Recentment l'Editorial graó ha publicat el llibre “Aprenentatge amb sentit i valor personal: Estratègies, recursos i experiències de personalització educativa”, escrit per César Coll i Salvador, Moisès Esteban-Guitart i Edgar Iglesias Vidal. El text té com a objectiu identificar, descriure i il·lustrar un conjunt de recursos, estratègies i experiències de personalització educativa dirigits a promoure i reforçar en l'alumnat el sentit i el valor personal dels seus aprenentatges escolars. Sorgit en el marc de l'Aliança Educació 360 promoguda per la Fundació Jaume Bofill, la Diputació de Barcelona i la Federació de Moviments de Renovació Pedagògica de Catalunya, té com a destinataris [...]

All learning is personal

2020-02-03T09:03:36+01:00February 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

The Institute for Personalized Learning, division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 presents in this section the core components of their learning model. This one stipulates learning activity is autonomous, initiated and controlled by the learner. For all learners can get this level and become a key contributor to their learning, connections, interactions or context must be identified. To achieve this, educators have to know thoughtfully what motivates the learner and what are their interests about. These 3 core components are: • Learner profiles (Demographic data, academic status, learning-related skill set, potential learning drivers). • Customized learning paths (Develop personal learning [...]

Boom or Bust Academics

2020-01-15T09:03:05+01:00January 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , , | The Institute for Personalized Learning, division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 presents its blog section whose aim is to provide digital learning resources for educators. In this case an innovative school district experience takes place in the oil city of Odessa in West Texas. In a place where families are inclined to work for the oil industry moving from rig to rig and their children follow, makes difficult for students to have continuity in their education. For these transit students a digital learning tool The Stride™ Program has been created to enable them to stay on pace with Texas’ [...]

PEAK—Our Personalized Learning Platform

2020-01-01T09:05:23+01:00January 1st, 2020|Tags: , , , |

PEAK is a Personalized learning Platform designed by K12 representatives. The aim of this open platform is to meet the specific needs of students, teachers, and administrators. This provides online and blended programs and helps teachers easily manage them. In other words, it empowers teachers to monitor performance, customize courses, and differentiate instruction to meet students' individualized needs. Teachers and administrators can personalize, integrate and manage online learning programs with the PEAK platform in order to students access to digital courses and content. The Platform includes tools like: • Interactive dashboards • SIS integration • Course customization • Enrollment management • [...]

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