

BLE –Bridging Learning Experiences- has the purpose of becoming a place of encounter, of information exchange and of shared reflection for researchers, education professionals, and, more generally, for any person interested in understanding learning processes and analyzing their educational consequences in this new scenario

BLE refers to one of the most outstanding and influential features of this new learning ecology.


to promote the study of learning processes within the new learning ecology, contributing to its understanding and explanation, providing up-dated information of the most promising theoretical and methodological approaches and the most outstanding research results in the field;

to foster research and reflection about the processes of Learner Identity (LI) construction;

to identify, analyze and debate about the educational challenges that the new learning ecology presents, and the changes that educational systems should face in order to contribute to the development of competent learners in our current society;

discuss the role of learning personalization practices as strategies to increase the sense of school learning in the context of the new learning ecology, and contribute to its explanation and understanding, providing up-to-date information on the most promising theoretical and methodological approaches and of the most outstanding research results on the subject;

propose priority lines of action to advance in the direction of greater school learning personalization related to educational centers and teachers, the educational community in general, and to educational administrations and those responsible for educational policies.




Escola Infant Jesús

Hoy los alumnos/as de 3º ESO han estado trabajando, en el marco del proyecto” Actua_Depèn de tu”, en mejorar sus prototipos a partir del feedback recibido por los mentores.


Hemos entrevistado a Mont Cabana, a Emma Martí a Miki Castiella y a Meritxell Vila en relación con los espacios de coordinación que coordinan en el centro (reuniones de coordinación pedagógica, de coordinación de ciclo superior, y de nivel para quinto curso respectivamente). También hemos tenido oportunidad de conversar sobre…
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Escola Infant Jesus

Los alumnos del proyecto “Depèn de tu_Actua” de 3r ESO de TQE han hecho las presentaciones orales del proceso de elaboración de los prototipos construidos para dar respuesta a las necesidades de diferentes etapas educativas del centro: Llar d’ Infants, PIN (tercero de Primaria) y NEI (segundo de ESO).


Hemos entrevistado a Neus Carmona, directora de la etapa NEI, en relación con la coordinación de tutores de la etapa. También hemos tenido oportunidad de hablar sobre la coordinación pedagógica del centro y de la etapa.

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