Making Sense of Learning: strategies, instruments and school learning personalization practices [AcS]

The Making Sense of Learning Project: strategies, instruments and school learning personalization practices has been funded with the support of the Santa María Foundation. Reference: FBiG 308977.
Start date: 2016
End date: 2019
The project has the following five objectives:
- To define school learning personalization´s most relevant dimensions in terms of teaching and learning components and the educational centers’ organization and functioning, based on a review of the specialized literature and of an analysis of the proposals and experiences published on the subject.
- To identify, analyze, evaluate and show some learning personalization experiences and proposals that stand out for their ability to promote meaningful learning among students.
- To identify, formalize and disseminate strategies and instruments of proven effectiveness for the design and development of school learning personalization proposals, experiences and practices.
- To design, implement and evaluate an intervention and consultation procedure for primary and secondary educational centers aimed at reinforcing and promoting learning personalization innovation processes.
- Identify priority lines of action for schools and teachers, the communities in which the centers are located and social and community actors, and educational administrations and those responsible for educational policies in order to move forward in the direction of greater school learning personalization.
The project focuses on the study of innovative practices designed and implemented in 8 primary and secondary education centers located in three different areas: Catalonia, The Community of Madrid and Mexico City.
In each center, the project includes 3 stages:
- Preparatory stage
- Selection of participating centers. Negotiation and participation in the research agreement with the school leadership team and teachers involved in the selected centers.
- Joint analysis of the innovative practices of school learning personalization in progress in the selected educational centers, carried out by the teachers involved and the research team members assigned to them, and decision on the innovative practice in which the research in going to focus on each center.
- Review of selected innovative practices based on the results and evaluations resulting from the analyzes carried out. Re-design, if necessary, of the practices.
- First design cycle stage- implementation
- Seminar with the research main actors to follow up on the practice development (weekly or fortnightly, depending on the case) paying special attention to its ability to promote and reinforce the sense that participating students attribute to learning and to teachers´ and researchers´ collaborative work dynamics.
- Systematic and periodic data gathering about the innovative practice implementation.
- Analysis and evaluation of the gathered data about the development and impact of the innovative practices implemented in the participating centers.
- Review and, if necessary, modification, extension and/or deepening of the implemented innovative practice considering the analysis and assessment results. Design of the proposed practice to be implemented in the next cycle as a result of the revision.
- Second design cycle stage – implementation
- Seminar with the research main actors to follow up on the practice development (weekly or biweekly, depending on the case) paying special attention to its ability to promote and reinforce the sense that participating students attribute to learning and to teachers´ and researchers´ collaborative work dynamics.
- Systematic and periodic data gathering about the re-designed innovative practice implementation.
- Analysis and evaluation of the gathered data about the development and impact of the innovative practices implemented during this stage in the participating centers.
Colegio FUHEM Montserrat, C/Juan Esplandiú 2, bis 28007 Madrid
Escola Francesco Tonucci, c/ Pont de Suert, 4 25001 Lleida
I.E.S. Miguel Catalán, Avd. José Gárate, s/n 28023 Coslada
INS Anna Gironella de Mundet, C/ Olympe de Gouges s/n | Recinte Mundet 08035 Barcelona
INS Cal Gravat, C / Puig i Cadafalch, 54-56 08243 Manresa
INS Josep Vallverdú, Avda. Dr Trueta s/n 24500 Les Borges Blanques
INS Quatre Cantons, Camino Antiguo de Valencia 37-39 08005 Barcelona
SINS Cardener, C/ del Sol, 13 08250 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada
César Coll, general coordinator (Universitat de Barcelona)
Engel, A. (Coordinator, Universitat de Barcelona)
Oller, Judith (Universitat de Barcelona)
Rochera, María José (Universitat de Barcelona)
Largo, Mariana (Universitat de Barcelona)
Merino, Iris (Universitat de Barcelona)
Membrive, Antonio (Universitat de Barcelona)
Añazco, David (Universitat de Barcelona)
López, Irene (Universitat de Barcelona)
Manzano, Raül (Coordinator, Centre de Recursos Pedagògics del Segrià)
Bonet, Amadeu (Institut d’Educació Secundària Josep Vallverdú)
Lladós, Laura (Escola Bressol Municipal Balafia)
Carrillo, Carolina (Escola Camps Elisis)
Llovera, Gemma (Institut d’Educació Secundària Josep Vallverdú)
Majó, Fanny (Escola Francesco Tonucci)
Zapater, Maria (Institut d’Educació Secundària Josep Vallverdú)
Martín, Elena (Coordinator, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Solari, Mariana (Universidad de Extremadura)
Hernández, Laura (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Nieto, Mara (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Martín, Javier (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Pérez, Eva Mª (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Díaz Barriga, Frida (Coordinator, Universidad Autónoma de México)
Gasca, María Alejandra (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Heredia, Abraham (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
López, Edmundo (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
López, Rafael (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Ramírez, Minerva (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Vázquez, Verónica (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Zárate, Fernando (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
II Meeting on learning personalization and processes of educational innovation. Madrid, Spain, November 17 and 18, 2018.
I Meeting on learning personalization and processes of educational innovation. Barcelona, November 17, 2017.