Personalising learning through students’ interests. Teacher collaboration and students’ engagement


The starting hypothesis of the project is twofold.

On the one hand, it is considered that, within the framework of the new culture of learning associated with the Information Society, it is necessary to introduce substantial changes in school educational practices, aimed at adapting these practices to the needs posed by the new ecology of learning.  Among these changes, the adoption of a personalization perspective, and particularly taking into consideration the interests of students as a starting point for educational action, occupies a fundamental place, since they directly affect the possibility that students can attribute meaning to the school learning and develop the necessary involvement and commitment in these activities.

On the other hand, it is considered that the necessary change and improvement of educational practices oriented to work with and from the interests of the students is an inseparable process from the development of professional teaching communities committed to innovation and educational transformation. Understanding these dynamics of joint work and the factors that influence them, as well as the processes that allow them to develop successfully, is therefore, fundamental for implementing these changes in school educational practices.

The project Personalising learning through students’ interests. Teacher collaboration and students’ engagement aims to study the process of implementation of initiatives and proposals for personalised learning, especially those taking into account the interests of students as a starting point for educational action aimed at reinforcing the meaning that students attribute to the learning carried out in schools.