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Student agency for 2030. OECD Future of Education and Skills 2030 Conceptual learning framework.
The concept of student agency, as understood in the context of the OECD Learning Compass 2030, is rooted in the principle that students have the ability and the will to positively influence their own lives [...]
Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning—its impact on instructional quality
Schmid, R., Pauli, Ch., Stebler, R., Reusser, K., & Petko, D. (2022). Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning—its impact on instructional qualit. The Journal of Educational Research, 115:3, 187-198, DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2022.2089086 Digital technology especially raised [...]
Learning ML posa a l’abast de tota la comunitat docent una eina per la pràctica del pensament computacional de programari que treballa IA, fet que permet debatre des d’una mirada crítica i esperançadora l’ús de [...]
Els algorismes a examen: Per què la IA a l’educació?
Hernando Calvo, A., Municio Zúñiga, A., Vázquez Gutiérrez, A., Gardó Huerta, H., i Martínez Romero, H. (desembre 2022, 1ª edició). Els algorismes a examen: Per què la IA a l’educació? Fundació Jaume Bofill. Els [...]
Les claus de Portugal per reduir l’abandonament escolar prematur. Què podem aprendre?
Santos, S. (3 maig, 2023). Conferència “Les claus de Portugal per reduir l'abandonament escolar prematur. Què podem aprendre?” Plataforma zero abandonament. La Dra. Sofia Santos, assessora experta del Gabinet del Ministre d’Educació de Portugal en [...]
Exploring opportunities, complexities, and tensions when invoking students’ everyday experiences as resources in educational activities
Abstract: This paper aims to critically explore the opportunities, complexities, and tensions of invoking students' everyday experiences as resources in educational activities. We analyze data from teacher interviews, instructional work in classrooms, and parent–teacher conferences [...]