What’s new in BLE resources?
Take a look and you will find out!
What happens when students own their learning?
A.J. Juliani is the Director of Learning and Innovation for a public school district and the author of books centered around student-agency, choice, inquiry, and engagement. In his blog, he talks about how Project- based learning helps the [...]
How personalized learning can benefit students
The infographic, How Personalized Learning Can Benefit Students, shows how the personalized learning model boosts engagement, achievement, and helps both students and teachers optimize their educational efforts for greater success. It shows different areas that become affected [...]
Universal Design for Learning UDL Guidelines
Página web creada desde el proyecto de investigación DUALETIC para la difusión del Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje (DUA). El DUA se basa en tres principios: proveer al alumnado de distintos medios de representación, múltiples medios [...]
Brokering Youth Pathways
Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youthto future learning opportunities and resources. This toolkit shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and [...]
La resolución de conflictos: Un curso para que los adolescentes aprendan a transformar los conflictos en oportunidades
Juan de Vicente Abad, orientador del IES Miguel Catalán, centro que participa en el proyecto Personae, ha diseñado un curso muy interesante dirigido al profesorado sobre cómo guiar la resolución de conflictos con adolescentes. El [...]