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Continued Progress
http://k12education.gatesfoundation.org/download/?Num=2342&filename=Gates-ContinuedProgress-Nov13.pdf The achievement findings in this report focus on 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices. All of the schools received funding from the Gates Foundation, either [...]
Libro: Teens, media and collaborative cultures. Exploiting teens’ transmedia skills in the classroom
Acceso al PDF http://transmedialiteracy.upf.edu/sites/default/files/files/TL_Teens_en.pdf El libro, publicado en 2018, presenta parte de los resultados del proyecto “Transmedia Literacy” que ha involucrado más de 50 investigadores de 10 universidades en 8 países del mundo. Las preguntas que [...]
Los factores de la exclusión educativa en España: Mecanismos, perfiles y espacios de intervención
https://www.unicef.es/publicacion/los-factores-de-la-exclusion-educativa-en-espana La finalidad de este informe es realizar un análisis sistemático de los factores de exclusión educativa en España, poniendo el foco sobre todo en aquellos que operan durante la educación secundaria obligatoria. Aunque algunos [...]
El potencial dels ecosistemes locals d’aprenentatge: transformant la forma en què es produeix l’aprenentatge
https://www.educacio360.cat/potencial-dels-ecosistemes-locals-daprenentatge-transformant-forma-que-produeix-leducacio/ Els ecositemes locals d’aprenentatge tenen tot el potencial per a transformar la forma en què es produeix l’aprenentatge. L'informe que aquí es presenta proposa algunes caracteristiques fundamentals: objectius nous i més ambiciosos, noves competències, [...]
District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning
https://knowledgeworks.org/resources/district-conditions-scale-personalized-learning/ District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning is a guide that addresses an important step in implementing personalized education. It identifies the conditions for scale that exist at a district level. This [...]
A State Policy Framework for Scaling Personalized Learning
https://knowledgeworks.org/resources/state-policy-scaling-personalized-learning/ District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning. It’s a framework that guides states and districts in working together to generate flexibility to support scaling personalized learning. This guide was developed [...]