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Pedagogías Emergentes en la Sociedad Digital
El segundo volumen del libro titulado: “Pedagogías emergentes en la sociedad digital” es el resultado de un conjunto de reflexiones llevadas a cabo durante el desarrollo de la asignatura de “Entornos, Procesos y Recursos Tecnológicos [...]
Guía sobre Educación Mediática y Desinformación
La guía sobre "Educación Mediática y Desinformación”, desarrollada por la asociación Faro Digital, surge del interés y la demanda de la comunidad educativa ante una de las grandes problemáticas con las que vivimos: la sobreinformación [...]
The material and social constitution of interest
Abstract In the 21st century, what role does interest play in the organization of equitable learning opportunities for young people? Drawing on a large corpus of interview data from a longitudinal study of fifty-four adolescents [...]
Personalisation in educational technology: the absence of underlying pedagogies
Abstract Personalization is one of the recurring themes in education and has occupied a large amount of specialised literature, since its appearance in the 1960s. A systematic exploration of the literature of the last 55 years [...]
Revisiting the Potential Uses of Media in Children’s Education
When Sesame Street launched in 1969, it was the first show to attempt to teach young children school-readiness skills with catchy songs and playful Muppets. Not only did it revolutionize the children’s media landscape, the program sparked [...]
Student Self Direction Rubric
LEAP Innovations is a national organization headquartered in Chicago, EEUU, that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. LEAP works directly with educators and innovators to discover, pilot, and scale personalized learning technologies [...]