learning experiences

Com convertir els recursos de la comunitat en oportunitats educatives?

2019-12-06T07:57:45+01:00December 4th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |

Experiència de l'escola Jaume Miret, Lleida En el marc de la proposta Educacio360, que busca impulsar i donar suport pràctiques educatives que connectin els espais i els temps educatius de la vida dels infants i joves tant dins com fora de l'escola, es presenta en aquest vídeo l'experiència educativa de l'escola Jaume Miret de Sose.  L’escola ha impulsat un projecte educatiu convertint els recursos de la comunitat en oportunitats educatives. A partir de la campanya d'excavacions al jaciment íber de Gebut, el nou equip directiu del centre ha elaborat un projecte educatiu entorn el jaciment que inclou la participació d'agents educatius [...]

Information and communication technologies and students’ out-of-school learning experiences

2019-12-03T15:21:15+01:00November 27th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

The widespread availability of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has generated new activity contexts that provide opportunities and resources for learning, at the same time as expanding the learning potential of traditional contexts such as the family and schools. Within this framework the present study analyses the frequency with which students of three ages (10, 13 and 16 years) participate in ICTmediated activities outside school, as well as the learning experiences associated with this participation. To this end, we used a multimethod approach combining administration of a questionnaire with focus groups and individual interviews. The analysis revealed low rates of participation [...]

ELEOT: Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool

2019-11-13T09:10:07+01:00November 13th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

https://www.advanc-ed.org/eprove/#/ The Effective Learning Environments Observation Tool (ELEOT) is a learner-centric classroom observation tool that comprises 28 items organized in seven environments aligned. The ELEOT provides useful, relevant, structured, and quantifiable data on the extent to which students are engaged in activities and/or demonstrate knowledge, attitudes, and/or dispositions that are conducive to effective learning. The environments are: Equitable Learning High Expectations Supportive Learning Active Learning Progress Monitoring and Feedback Well-Managed Learning Digital Learning The ELEOT provides an aggregate picture of classrooms across an entire school but also can be used formative and reflectively at grade level, in content-specific ways (e.g., to gather data [...]

Presentación de comunicaciones en IRED 2019 por miembros del GRINTIE

2019-11-13T08:40:33+01:00November 8th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Miembros del Grupo de Investigación GRINTIE presentaron diversas comunicaciones en la I Conferencia Internacional de Investigación en Educación - IRED 2019. Los trabajos presentados estuvieron enmarcados en el Proyecto PERSONAE - El desafío de la personalización del aprendizaje escolar: principios, posicionamientos e implementación en los centros educativos. Los investigadores pre-doctorales Mariana Largo, Iris Merino, Jaime Fauré y Sofía Varona estuvieron a cargo de exponer los siguientes trabajos: La reflexión como estrategia de personalización del aprendizaje escolar: una pauta para la observación y el análisis de una práctica (Por: Antonio Membrive; Mariana Largo; Camila Cáceres; Maria Isabel Vizquerra; Anna Engel y Mariana [...]

Report: Local Learning Ecosystems: Emerging Models

2019-11-06T14:27:34+01:00November 4th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Across the globe there is a growing consensus that education demands radical transformation if we want all citizens to become future-ready in the face of a more digitally enabled, uncertain and fast changing world. Education has the potential to be the greatest enabler of preparing everyone, young and old, for the future, yet supporting learning too often remains an issue for schools alone. As learning frameworks outlining ambitious global agendas for inclusive education and lifelong learning begin to emerge, and as societies become more connected and intertwined, it is becoming clear that society has a collective role to play in equipping [...]

Aprendizaje personalizado vs. diferenciado vs. individualizado

2021-02-08T23:11:59+01:00October 26th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

https://bit.ly/2Jg9vbO Es habitual utilizar indistintamente los conceptos de personalización e individualización del aprendizaje, o incluso el de aprendizaje diferenciado. Esto es debido a la confusión existente en torno a su significado. Sin embargo, cada uno de ellos tiene definiciones y matices distintos que permiten dar cuenta de su valor intrínseco para entender los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Basándose en el libro escrito junto a la Dra. Peggy Grant, Dale Basye explica en esta entrada de blog cómo ellos entienden cada uno de estos conceptos y defienden la importancia de combinar los tres con el objetivo de generar experiencias de aprendizaje [...]

Digital Diversity: How Circumstances Shape Youth Digital Media Practices

2019-10-23T23:48:55+01:00October 23rd, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , |

The 2019 Connected Learning Summit, held at the University of California, Irvine  (Oct. 2, 2019 Pre-Conference - Oct. 3-5, 2019) featured some provocative talks, inspiring attendees to consider what role they can play in addressing some of the big issues society is facing in a digital world and how civic engagement fits in. Henry Jenkins, S. Craig Watkins, Mizuko Ito and Katie Salen joined for a discussion about digital youth in the talk, “Digital Diversity: How Social, Cultural and Real Life Circumstances Shape Youth Digital Media Practices.”  The Digital Diversity talk covered a myriad of topics about digital youth and, unsurprisingly, concerns about screen [...]

L’ecosistema com a mirada: Itineraris Culturals a Kuopio, Finlàndia

2019-11-15T13:02:40+01:00October 7th, 2019|Tags: , , , , |

Els Itineraris Culturals de Kuopio tenen com a objectiu incorporar la cultura al currículum de dels infants i joves, familiaritzant-los amb la vida artística de la ciutat i garantint l’accés de nois i noies als equipaments culturals. El projecte treballa també, a través de l’art i la cultura, competències centrades en la socialització, la identitat cultural, la cultura mediàtica i la responsabilitat envers la natura i el medi ambient. L’objectiu de l’aprenentatge és que els estudiants aprenguin com a membres d’una comunitat i s’expressin de forma lliure i creativa. El projecte va néixer com un programa de tres anys de durada, [...]

LEAP Innovations: Every learner deserves to be empowered

2019-10-23T16:50:23+01:00September 25th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

https://leapinnovations.org LEAP Innovations is a national organization headquartered in Chicago that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. LEAP works directly with educators and innovators to discover, pilot and scale personalized learning technologies and innovative practices. In just over four years, LEAP has worked directly with more than 125 schools across Chicago to implement personalized learning, from classroom-level innovation in the Pilot Network to whole-school transformation in Breakthrough Schools. LEAP’s work is anchored by the LEAP Learning Framework, a suite of resources that educators across the country are using to define, design, and implement personalized learning models. Visit leapinnovations.org [...]

Defining personalized learning

2021-02-08T23:18:36+01:00September 10th, 2019|Tags: , , |

  In the past if you’d seen one definition of personalized learning, you’d seen… well… one definition of personalized learning. While this is a common occurrence in the early stages of disruptive innovation in any field, the lack of a consistent definition and language for a relatively complex idea has hampered both understanding and effective implementation. This website presents some definitions of personalized learning that have been put forward recently, by organizations, motivated to resolve field confusion. Even there are subtle differences, across these definitions the similarities emerge. Learn more

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