
The material and social constitution of interest

2021-04-15T08:56:30+01:00April 15th, 2021|Tags: , , , , |

Abstract In the 21st century, what role does interest play in the organization of equitable learning opportunities for young people? Drawing on a large corpus of interview data from a longitudinal study of fifty-four adolescents involved in interest-driven afterschool activities domestically and abroad, we investigate the role of youths' interests in their everyday lives. Cognizant of the growing emphasis from sociocultural learning scholars on issues of interest, agency, and engagement as they relate to learning, we explore youths' interests from their perspective—that is, we highlight the ways in which youth themselves made sense of their interests in relation to the rest [...]

Personalisation in educational technology: the absence of underlying pedagogies

2021-04-12T07:01:48+01:00April 12th, 2021|Tags: , , , |

Abstract Personalization is one of the recurring themes in education and has occupied a large amount of specialised literature, since its appearance in the 1960s. A systematic exploration of the literature of the last 55 years (1960–2015) is presented and is intended to analyse which educational perspective underlies the customized environments or experiences proposed in the educational technology that is addressed in the literature. It is important to understand that this analysis is a very relevant challenge, if we want to understand what pedagogical approaches have been continuously developed and how and why we should consider their future. The results show a [...]

Convocatoria: Revista Iberoamericana de la Educación Digital

2021-01-15T03:39:32+01:00December 18th, 2020|Tags: , , |

La "Revista Iberoamericana de Educación a Distancia" es una revista científica de acceso abierto, revisada por pares ciegos y editada por la Asociación Iberoamericana de Educación Superior a Distancia (AIESAD), de Madrid. RIED pretende la difusión internacional de los avances en la investigación e innovación dentro del ámbito de la enseñanza y aprendizaje abiertos, flexibles y a distancia, el e-learning y las tecnologías aplicadas a la educación. El monográfico de RIED que ahora se presenta, se plantea abordar las posibilidades del sonido, el vídeo y la imagen implementados en las diferentes plataformas propiciadas por las TIC, como instrumentos de aprendizaje. RIED convoca a la remisión de [...]

Convocatoria: Revista Ciencia y Educación

2020-12-01T02:22:14+01:00December 1st, 2020|Tags: , , |

Ciencia y Educación es una revista cuatrimestral, publicada por el Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC), con énfasis en la libre discusión de ideas desde una perspectiva internacional, multidisciplinaria, interdisciplinaria y transdisciplinaria en vinculación con todos los niveles y modalidades educativos. Es una revista gratuita, arbitrada, indexada, de acceso abierto y no cobra a los autores por sometimiento de artículos ni por la publicación de sus textos. Ciencia y Educación convoca a la remisión de artículos científicos para el Vol. 5, No. 3. Las colaboraciones se someterán en español y deberán ser presentadas antes del día 25 de Abril de 2021. Para más información, visita [...]

7 things you should be about The Hybrid Flexible Course Model

2021-02-08T23:32:36+01:00October 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex format (a model that was developed at San Francisco State University) is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate. Central to this model is the principle that the learning is equivalent, regardless of the mode. All participants must have equitative access to the learning resources, the instructor, and one another. As it is a new way of teaching through technology, it may need updates and infrastructure, but despite this, it is very helpful [...]

Cal passar de la visió de l’educació entesa com a escolarització a una que reconegui la connexió dels diversos contextos d’aprenentatge

2020-09-28T08:26:46+01:00September 28th, 2020|Tags: , , , , |

César Coll, Catedràtic de Psicologia de l'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, comenta sobre la seva visió d'educació més enllà de l'escola, abastant la connexió dels diversos contextos d'aprenentatge. Es refereix a l'redisseny de les activitats escolars en un temps rècord com a conseqüència de la pandèmia Covid19, especialment a la incorporació de diverses plataformes digitals per a l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge. No obstant això, aquest nou context deixa entreveure debilitats importants de l'nostre sistema educatiu tal com la manca d'artefactes digitals, la diversitat de condicions que limiten a les famílies i, principalment, l'existència en d'algunes familias d'un capital i d'uns recursos culturals que poden [...]

Help parents and caregivers keep kids focused, interested, and balanced

2020-09-24T08:53:29+01:00September 24th, 2020|Tags: , , |

  This article was written by Christine Elgersma, editor and member of the non-profit organization Common Sense, in July 2020. This document provides some essential tips to help parents and caregivers keep children focused, interested, and balanced while learning at a distance. The distance learning scenario isn't entirely new and the hope is that we -- parents, caregivers, teachers, and school leaders -- are now better prepared to support kids in their social, emotional, and academic growth during the pandemic. What's true is that families are taking on much more responsibility for their kids' learning than ever before. And in order [...]

Learning Communities Can Save Colleges—and Engage Remote Students

2020-07-06T08:01:13+01:00July 6th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

In this article, Senegal Alfred Mabry, a senior policy analyst at the Hunt Institute, offers a reflection about how colleges plan to welcome students back for the fall semester—while preparing for a possible second outbreak of the coronavirus that would force classes back online–one thing is for sure: Community is more important than ever. Colleges don’t need new platforms or technology to build community or welcome students. They need to invest in infrastructure that builds relationships. Learning communities—where students work together with a common goal, purpose, or interest—are colleges’ best tool to make online learning hands-on learning. College administrators can make the transition to online [...]

Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope With Coronavirus

2020-07-02T07:38:35+01:00June 29th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

The coronavirus has cast an uncertain future over U.S. education, raising a host of questions: Is remote learning possible for every school? How can educators and parents make it a meaningful experience when it’s happened so suddenly? And what roles will teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and parents play? In this post, written by Stephen Noonoo, K-12 editor and member of EdSurge, a collection of news, resources, and expert advice are offered in order to help educators and school leaders make informed decisions. You can navigate them and figure out what might work best for your community. An example of the type of [...]

En clave de educación

2020-09-17T13:21:02+01:00June 15th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

Mediante la iniciativa, En clave de educación, la Fundación Santillana pretende recoger todas las voces involucradas en el proceso educativo y reflexionar así sobre los cambios y retos a los que nos enfrentamos. Qué es lo que debemos aprender y, en consecuencia, qué es lo que debemos enseñar en la escuela no es una pregunta nueva, ni especialmente disruptiva, pero sí necesaria y cada día más importante. Es la gran pregunta educativa. Y lo es porque, en definitiva, preguntarse sobre el qué aprender (y, por tanto, por qué enseñar) es preguntarse por el sentido (o sin sentido) de la escuela misma. Plantearse qué [...]

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