
SCOPE. Herramienta del progreso de la educación en el mundo

2021-03-22T10:10:47+01:00marzo 22nd, 2021|Etiquetas: , , , , , , , |

La herramienta del progreso de la educación (SCOPE), de UNESCO, reúne datos administrativos, encuestas de hogares, evaluaciones del aprendizaje y datos de la financiación de la educación de diversos productores de datos, en particular del Instituto de Estadística de la UNESCO, a fin de analizar los progresos realizados para lograr el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible 4 (ODS4) relativo a la educación: "Garantizar una educación inclusiva y equitativa de calidad y promover oportunidades de aprendizaje permanente para todos" (Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all) SCOPE completa la edición impresa del Informe de Seguimiento de la Educación en [...]

UNESCO 2020. Inclusión y educación: todos y todas sin excepción

2021-03-23T08:53:39+01:00marzo 18th, 2021|Etiquetas: , , , |

Nunca antes había sido tan crucial convertir la educación en un derecho universal y una realidad para todos. Nuestro mundo en rápida mutación se enfrenta constantemente a desafíos considerables, desde las innovaciones tecnológicas desestabilizadoras hasta el cambio climático, pasando por los conflictos, el desplazamiento forzado de personas, la intolerancia y el odio, que agravan aún más las desigualdades y tendrán repercusiones en los próximos decenios. La pandemia de Covid-19 ha evidenciado y ahondado aún más estas desigualdades, así como la fragilidad de nuestras sociedades. Más que nunca, tenemos la responsabilidad colectiva de apoyar a los más vulnerables y desfavorecidos, contribuyendo a [...]

Aprendre a aprendre: quins programes funcionen?

2021-03-18T17:07:15+01:00marzo 15th, 2021|Etiquetas: , , , , |

Aquest document de la Fundació Bofill titulat Aprendre a aprendre: quins programes funcionen?. Síntesi d’evidències i aportacions de Març 2021, sintetitza els resultats de la segona part de l’informe Què funciona en educació? #5, de novembre de 2016, que inclou la revisió de sis metanàlisis que cobreixen prop de 300 programes d’autoregulació de l’aprenentatge i una revisió de revisions que cobreix 14 metanàlisis i 668 estudis. La síntesi recull també les principals idees sorgides en els actes celebrats per presentar-lo en públic. Descarrega el PDF  

Investigating Risks and Opportunities for Children in a Digital World

2021-02-21T23:06:41+01:00febrero 22nd, 2021|Etiquetas: , , |

Children’s lives are increasingly mediated by digital technologies. Yet, when it comes to understanding the long-term effects of internet use and online experiences on their well-being, mental health or resilience, the best we can do is make an educated guess. Our need for this knowledge has become even more acute as internet use rises during COVID-19. This report explores what has been learned from the latest research about children’s experiences and outcomes relating to the internet and digital technologies. It aims to inform policy-makers, educators, child-protection specialists, industry and parents on the best evidence, and it proposes a future research agenda. [...]

Informe 2018 “School, District, and Regional Transformation”

2021-02-08T22:05:51+01:00octubre 22nd, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

El objetivo de este reporte es destacar el trabajo de diferentes colaboradores de la Fundación “Education Elements” y compartir su trabajo de cambio e innovación educativa. Las actividades que son descritas en este reporte son interesantes ejemplos de personalización del aprendizaje escolar. Además, muestran con claridad aquellos principios que ayudan a amplificar y sostener estas innovaciones a lo largo del tiempo. El reporte está disponible en inglés. Descarga el PDF Referencia: Education Elements. (2018). Focus on School, District, and Regional Transformation. California: Education Elements

Should we include more digital technologies in teaching?

2020-08-31T13:46:05+01:00octubre 12th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

    UNICEF Montenegro recently launched the findings from a nationally representative survey with a sample of 911 primary and secondary school teachers. The survey was conducted as part of the Digital Literacy for Every Child initiative organized by UNICEF and Telenor and follows an earlier survey conducted with children and parents in 2016 using the same methodology. The teachers’ survey is a response to initial findings that one in two parents want their children’s school to provide them with information on how best to support children’s digital and media literacy. Montenegro is the first Global Kids Online country to produce [...]

ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2019

2021-02-08T23:34:00+01:00octubre 1st, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , |

This study presents important conclusions from EDUCAUSE's 2019 research on students and information technology. It also provides recommendations on giving students technology support and solution needs, in order to improve students learning experiences on campus and helping them to reach success. Drawing on survey data from more than 40,000 students across 118 US institutions, this report highlights a number of important findings related to students' technology preferences, supports, and experiences. While the majority of students (70%) prefer mostly or completely face-to-face learning environments, specific demographic factors influence their preferences. Labs and demonstrations, faculty/student conferences, and lectures were rated as the most preferred activities [...]

Learning Across Boundaries: How Parents and Teachers are Bridging Learning Across Settings

2020-08-31T13:30:32+01:00septiembre 14th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , |

Researchers at the Cooney Center and UC Irvine have conducted separate surveys with 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K—8 teachers to paint a more comprehensive picture of whether, to what extent, and how children ages 3-12 are linking their learning experiences across three locales of interest: home, school, and community. This research illuminates: Where children are learning and with whom; How children are using technology to extend their learning beyond a single setting; What roles parents and teachers are playing in bridging children’s learning across settings, and the extent to which they are working together to do so; Which attitudes, beliefs, [...]

ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities, 2020

2020-07-28T14:25:51+01:00agosto 24th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

The ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities 2020, written by Dana C. Gierdowski and Joseph Galanek from Educause, presents findings on the technology needs of students with disabilities. To better understand the academic technology needs of this student population, ECAR researchers examined nearly 2,000 open-ended responses collected in 2019 student study from individuals who identified as having a physical and/or a learning disability that required accessible technologies or accommodations for their coursework. Students with disabilities are a vulnerable population in higher education and experience barriers to education that many other students do not, and they can have both [...]

What Is Competency-Based Education? An Updated Definition

2020-07-28T13:50:01+01:00agosto 17th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

The report is an update on the 2011 working definition of competency-based education. Implementing education at deeper levels is becoming a great shift in school culture, structure, and pedagogy. Feedback received during 8 years after the original definition reflected a need for updating key issues. This actual report presents a new definition, developed by many experts on the field. It also includes context for understanding the definition and extra resources for additional exploration. Reference Levine, E. & Patrick, S. (2019). What is competency-based education? An updated definition. Vienna, VA: Aurora Institute.

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