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Guía para padres sobre Zoom
Este blog detalla las características de Zoom, una aplicación de videoconferencias que muchos docentes están usando para dar clases a través de internet. Zoom ha sido el software de videollamadas usado por muchas empresas desde [...]
YOUmedia Learning Labs Network
The labs are creative, transformative, and dynamic spaces. With a commitment to equity and digital inclusion, they expand opportunities for interest-driven learning by youth. YOUmedia Learning Labs are centered around production and guided by [...]
Teachers: Connecting family learning across settings
Teachers: Connecting family learning across settings is a two-page tip sheet that provides some research-based suggestions that will help teachers foster their students’ natural interests and help families to find opportunities to engage in. This [...]
Learning Communities Can Save Colleges—and Engage Remote Students
In this article, Senegal Alfred Mabry, a senior policy analyst at the Hunt Institute, offers a reflection about how colleges plan to welcome students back for the fall semester—while preparing for a possible second outbreak of the coronavirus [...]
ApS y Coronavirus. Proyecto de la Red Española de Aprendizaje Servicio
Con este post la Red Española de Aprendizaje Servicio, una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, cierra la serie de experiencias de aprendizaje servicio -ApS- desarrolladas durante la pandemia y en situación de confinamiento. La variedad de [...]
Navigating Uncertain Times: How Schools Can Cope With Coronavirus
The coronavirus has cast an uncertain future over U.S. education, raising a host of questions: Is remote learning possible for every school? How can educators and parents make it a meaningful experience when it’s happened [...]