
5 Levels Of Student Engagement: A Continuum For Teaching

2023-04-10T23:03:44+01:00Tags: , , |

This infographic proposes a continuum for engagement with 5 levels of student engagement: engagement, strategic compliance, ritual compliance, retreatism and rebellion. Authentic Engagement (Highest Level) is Characterized by: persistence, sustained inquiry, self-direction, playfulness with content, and unprompted transfer of understanding. Students are immersed in work that has clear meaning and immediate value to them (for exemple, reading a book on a topic of personal interest). Read article

Video: Incorporating personalized learning into classroom

2023-04-10T23:00:16+01:00Tags: , , |

This video shows how teachers are incorporating personalized learning into their classroom by the Core Four of personalized learning: targeting instruction, fostering collaboration and creativity, facilitating reflection and goal-setting, and designing flexible learning experiences.  

Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators

2023-04-10T22:51:04+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Cohen, Z. (2023, 24 enero) El professor Zac Cohen, de la escuela secundaria Francis Parker School de Louisville (EEUU) plantea 4 formas  posibles de utilizar el chatbot avanzado “ChatGPT”, que se lanzó en noviembre del 2022 por la compañía OpenAI, y que puede comprender, responder y conversar con los usuarios de la plataforma de manera similar a los humanos (puede responder cuestiones, contar historias y seguir conversaciones). Plantea la necesidad de enseñar al alumnado a utilizar herramientas como el ChatGP con propósitos académicos. En su instituto han probado 4 formas de incorporar el ChatGPT en el aula a partir de clases que [...]

ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education

2023-04-10T22:52:22+01:00Tags: , , , |

Tlili, A., Shehata, B., Adarkwah, M. A., Bozkurt, A., Hickey, D. T., Huang, R., & Agyemang, B. (2023). What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. Smart Learning Environments, 10(1), 15   Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been progressing constantly and being more visible in different aspects of our lives. One recent phenomenon is ChatGPT, a chatbot with a conversational artificial intelligence interface that was developed by OpenAI. As one of the most advanced artificial intelligence applications, ChatGPT has drawn much public attention across the globe. In this regard, this study examines ChatGPT [...]

Libreta digital para el desarrollo de la identidad lectora

2023-04-10T22:54:57+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Ripp, P. (2020, 23 julio). A Work in Progress: Digital Notebooks for Reading Identity Development.   En la entrada de blog, Pernille Ripp presenta una herramienta que ha utilizado con sus estudiantes durante la pandemia para que siguieran desarrollando su identidad como lectores. Ha creado una plantilla de libreta digital para recoger las experiencias lectoras del alumnado, basado en distintas pestañas que permiten andamiar el proceso de lectura y escritura del aprendiz a partir de 4 pestañas. La primera pestaña (To-be-read list) permite reflejar sus preferencias lectoras, es decir, qué libros les gusta leer y si los han terminado o los han [...]

Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research

2023-04-10T22:56:50+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable Discussions Virtue, D.C. (Ed.). (2022). Dialogues in Middle Level Education Research Volume 1: Insights from the AMLE New Directions 2020 Roundtable Discussions (1st ed.). Routledge. El libro recoge distintas investigaciones educativas que se ubican en la etapa de la educación secundaria (“middle school”). Se recogen estudios centrados en ámbitos de interés diferenciados entre los que destacamos los propiamente vinculados a la personalización del aprendizaje. En la segunda parte del libro (Perspectives on Personalized Learning) encontramos capítulos específicamente relacionados con el aprendizaje basado en proyectos y la toma de decisión. Part II Perspectives on [...]

Article: Informing the Implementation of Personalized Learning in the Middle Grades through a School-Wide Genius Hour


Life LeGeros, Penny Bishop, Steven Netcoh & John Downes Over the past decade, personalized learning has emerged as a major aim in the contemporary education systems of many countries. This qualitative case study examined middle school educators’ perceptions of how their school’s collective experimentation with Genius Hour supported the broader implementation of personalized learning. Teachers in the study perceived Genius Hour to foster student self-direction and to engage students through relationships and choice provision. Teachers benefited from experiencing a model of personalized learning in practice and participating in its initial success, although logistical, personal, and curricular considerations kept them from integrating [...]

Dos herramientas para conectar los centros educativos y su entorno


La alianza Educación 360 nos propone dos nuevas herramientas muy útiles para que centros educativos utilicen para conectar el propio centro con su comunidad. El mesograma que nos facilita visibilizar, reflexionar y construir propuestas para potenciar el ecosistema educativo a partir de realizar un sociograma un nivel mesosistémico. Y las ecologías personales de aprendizaje generades en acciones tutoriales o como grupo-clase para identificar las actividades extraescolares donde participan los alumnos. Lea el artículo

Improved Student Engagement in Higher Education’s Next Normal

2023-04-10T22:57:23+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Ed Glantz, Chris Gamrat, Lisa Lenze and Jeffrey Bardzell Education in times of pandemic transformed rapidly, and many teachers quickly innovated with technology-based teaching methods. The article asks if any of these innovations and adaptations should be maintained to form the "next normal" in higher education. The authors suggest five teaching enhancements as possible candidates for continued acceptance. All of these pandemic-introduced adaptations improve student engagement. The first four enhance student engagement during class, whereas the fifth offers engagement opportunities outside of class. They believe the following five initiatives, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, should become part of that best practice. Collaborative Technologies for [...]

Why student voice should be central to school libraries

2023-03-08T17:54:07+01:00Tags: , , |

Torres. J., & Tagoe, V. (2022). Liven Up Your Library: Design Engaging and Inclusive Programs for Tweens and Teens. ISTE   Torres makes a call to action for school librarians to center student voices in programming and collection management in the book “Liven Up Your Library: Design Engaging and Inclusive Programs for Tweens and Teens,” co-authored by Valerie Tagoe. “[W]e cannot claim to serve young people while excluding them from conversations and decision-making about resources and materials that are primarily for their use. We must always prioritize and protect student empowerment as a key right and responsibility when working with young [...]

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