
BROKERING YOUTH PATHWAYS. A toolkit for connecting youth to future opportunity

2020-06-10T09:36:15+01:00abril 23rd, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youth to future learning opportunities and resources. Brokering Youth Pathways was produced by Hive Research Lab, an applied research partner of Hive NYC Learning Network —a community of informal educational organizations dedicated to supporting digital learning. “Brokering” is an important equity-oriented practice that out-of-school-time (OST) educators can take up in support of youth learning and development. Brokering is means of supporting identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings through actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities like out of school [...]

Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests

2021-02-08T22:20:17+01:00abril 16th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

As part of the Families Learning Across Boundaries (FamLAB) Project, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center surveyed library professionals in the U.S. about how they are connecting children’s learning across settings. Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests Report underscores the commitment to serving their communities that many librarians share as they actively seek to understand their patrons’ interests and needs, and find innovative ways for their libraries to evolve as community learning centers. At the same time, nearly half of our respondents reported that the general public simply may not be as aware that libraries provide such a wealth of [...]

The Personal Learning Plan: Goal Setting to Be Future Ready

2020-04-22T08:33:06+01:00abril 9th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

In this post, Kathleen McClaskey, author of Make Learning Personal website, explains how teachers can use the student's Learner Profile and Personal Learning Backpack to develop goals an effective Personal Learning Plan (PLP), so each learner can develop agency and gain personal experiences to make decisions for college and career and to be future-ready. The purpose of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is to assist learners to develop goals with a set of action steps to achieve those goals, ways to monitor their own progress, show evidence in reaching the goal and a reflection on achieving it. The PLP has four specific focuses: [...]

The Role of After-School Digital Media Clubs in Closing Participation Gaps and Expanding Social Networks

2020-04-11T15:55:22+01:00abril 6th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , |

This article considers how after-school digital media clubs, as an example of informal learning, can provide meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in the creation of interest-driven learning ecologies through media production. Ethnographic research was conducted in two after-school digital media clubs at a large, ethnically diverse, low income public high school over the course of an academic year. The after-school clubs provided students with opportunities to develop digital literacies that could be leveraged for the acquisition of cultural and social capital.  Although participation in the clubs expanded students’ offline social networks, restrictive school policies blocked access to social media and [...]

Measuring experiences of interest-related pursuits in connected learning

2020-04-11T15:36:47+01:00abril 2nd, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

This paper describes an effort to develop a survey instrument capable of measuring important aspects of adolescents’ experiences of interest-related pursuits that are supported by technology. The measure focuses on youths’ experiences of connected learning (Ito et al. in Connected learning: an agenda for research and design. Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, Irvine, 2013), an emerging model of learning across settings supported by digital media. Specifically, the instrument aims to measure the depth with which youth are able to engage in an interest-related pursuit, the level of support and encouragement they receive from peers, and the degree to which their pursuit involves performance [...]

La “rueda de preguntas interesantes”. El trabajo a partir de y con los intereses del alumnado

2021-03-23T23:03:47+01:00marzo 16th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , , |

El artículo “La ‘rueda de preguntas interesantes’. El trabajo a partir de y con los intereses del alumnado” publicado en el portal EDUforics se centra en las prácticas de personalización del aprendizaje orientadas a explorar, incluir y desarrollar los intereses del alumnado en los centros escolares. En la primera parte del artículo, se presenta una conceptualización de los intereses y se muestran diferentes maneras de abordar la identificación, valoración, reflexión, construcción y re-construcción de los intereses de aprendizaje del alumnado en la escuela. En la segunda, se describe una práctica educativa que ilustra este trabajo con y a partir de los [...]

Connected Learning: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship

2021-02-08T22:41:55+01:00febrero 28th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , |

This report presents a vision for understanding and revitalizing the ways in which we support learning during these changing times. Responding to the interests and needs of young people, researchers, educational practitioners, and policy and technology makers, this report synthesizes a varied set of content and perspectives: empirical research on the changing landscape of new media and learning, design principles, evaluation approaches, learner and case studies oriented to identifying and spreading positive innovations. The authors were part of the Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN), an interdisciplinary group of scholars, designers, and educational practitioners, who collaborated between 2011 and 2019 to study [...]

Publicación «Los mapas de intereses una práctica educativa orientada a reforzar el sentido de los aprendizajes escolares»

2020-01-31T12:12:55+01:00enero 10th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , , , |

El portal educativo EDUforics ha publicado el texto "Los 'mapas de intereses', una práctica educativa orientada a reforzar el sentido de los aprendizajes escolares" en el que se describe la práctica de innovación que se ha diseñado y llevado a cabo en las clases de 5º de educación primaria del CEIP Alba Plata. Esta publicación tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, se presenta la identificación, valoración, reflexión, construcción y re-construcción de los intereses y objetivos de aprendizaje del alumnado como una estrategia de personalización orientada a favorecer la realización de aprendizajes con sentido. En segundo lugar, se ilustra esta estrategia de personalización mediante [...]

Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

2019-12-13T10:07:08+01:00diciembre 25th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , |

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has engaged RAND to carry out an ongoing study of foundation-funded schools that are employing promising approaches to personalized learning. This research is part of a public commitment the foundation has made to spread effective practices across districts and charter networks, develop innovative roles for teachers, and support implementation of college-ready standards. This is the second report in a series focused on the achievement data, school design characteristics, and teacher and student perceptions of schools implementing personalized learning The concept of personalized learning has been around for some time, but the adoption of personalized learning [...]

Los “mapas de intereses” una práctica educativa orientada a reforzar el sentido de los aprendizajes escolares

2019-12-18T09:07:56+01:00diciembre 18th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , , , |

Los “mapas de intereses”, una práctica educativa orientada a reforzar el sentido de los aprendizajes escolares es un texto publicado en el portal, en el que se describe la práctica de innovación que se ha diseñado y llevado a cabo en las clases de 5º de educación primaria del CEIP Alba Plata. Esta publicación tiene dos objetivos principales. En primer lugar, se presenta la identificación, valoración, reflexión, construcción y re-construcción de los intereses y objetivos de aprendizaje del alumnado como una estrategia de personalización orientada a favorecer la realización de aprendizajes con sentido. En segundo lugar, se ilustra esta estrategia de [...]

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