aprenentatge connectat

Eines per a un currículum de ciutat 360

2024-10-28T15:14:46+01:00Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Eines per a un currículum de ciutat 360 Competències transversals per connectar i millorar les oportunitats educatives “S’adreça a totes les persones i agents compromesos amb la millora dels aprenentatges en els seus territoris i en la construcció d’ecosistemes educatius 360. Ara bé, les estratègies i les accions per desenvolupar un Currículum de ciutat han de dur-se a terme sempre de manera col·lectiva i comunitària. (…) Exercir una ciutadania plena requereix no només tenir cobertes les necessitats bàsiques, sinó poder participar de manera conscient i autònoma en la vida de la comunitat: defensar els drets d’un mateix, navegar per les institucions, [...]

Bridging Learning Experiences In and Out of School: Students’ Views

2024-10-09T11:31:33+01:00Tags: , , , |

  This article presents an exploratory study examining the importance that students attribute to pedagogical strategies focused on bridging learning in-and-out of school. The aim is twofold: to analyse students’ views of such strategies in different types of school (personalised learning -PL- and mirror schools), and to investigate whether different perceptions appear among three selected PL schools according to their degree of implementation of such strategies. We have administered the EPAE-A questionnaire to a sample of 3001 students (1481 from 5 PL schools, and 1520 from 5 mirror schools) to determine the value to these type of strategies for learning. The [...]


2024-07-12T18:45:11+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Eduteka es un portal educativo perteneciente a la Fundación Gabriel Piedrahita, una organización latinoamericana con sede en Colombia. Este portal se dedica a la formación de docentes de diversos niveles y a la gestión del conocimiento en organizaciones a través de programas innovadores y de alta calidad. Su objetivo es enriquecer los entornos de aprendizaje mediante el uso de Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC). Eduteka ofrece una amplia gama de recursos y documentos sobre el uso de las TIC en la educación, destacándose por su extensa documentación teórica y conceptual. Esta información proporciona una base sólida para la [...]

The Class

2021-01-14T07:21:07+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This research project examined the emerging mix of on- and offline experiences in teenagers’ daily learning lives. We focused on the fluctuating web of peer-to-peer networks that may cut across institutional boundaries, adult values and established practices of learning and leisure. Key research questions included: How do social relationships shape forms of learning in and out of school? And how do forms of learning shape social relationships? How do young people use digital technologies within their daily activities within and beyond the classroom, as part of their ‘learning lives’, and under what conditions is this constructive, enabling or impeding? How is [...]

Leveraging Horizontal Expertise

2021-01-07T07:02:17+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN) project at the University of Colorado at Boulder examines how the social organization of activity settings, forms of mediation, and tool use can be employed to leverage both horizontal (everyday) and vertical (scientific or school-based) kinds of expertise (Gutiérrez & Vossoughi, 2010) in children and young adults. Too often, especially in school or formal learning environments, everyday expertise and knowledge are in tension with school-based knowledge. From a cultural-historical perspective of learning and development, we are interested in how everyday and scientific knowledge grow into one another. We examine how children leverage new tools, practices, [...]

Leveling Up

2020-12-17T07:19:18+01:00Tags: , , , |

The Leveling Up project investigates the learning dynamics of interest-driven online groups that support academically-relevant knowledge seeking and expertise development. How do online groups and platforms support feedback, publicity, and reputation development that fosters skills and expertise? What kinds of learning resources are in the environment, such as teachers, coaches, and instructional materials? What kinds of social and technological supports encourage young people to participate, persist, and achieve? What are the learning and social outcomes of participation? Our initial case studies focus on the learning and production resources surrounding gaming. We are also developing a case study of fiber arts expertise [...]

7 things you should be about The Hybrid Flexible Course Model

2021-02-08T23:32:15+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

The hybrid flexible, or HyFlex format (a model that was developed at San Francisco State University) is an instructional approach that combines face-to-face (F2F) and online learning. Each class session and learning activity is offered in-person, synchronously online, and asynchronously online. Students can decide how to participate. Central to this model is the principle that the learning is equivalent, regardless of the mode. All participants must have equitative access to the learning resources, the instructor, and one another. As it is a new way of teaching through technology, it may need updates and infrastructure, but despite this, it is very helpful [...]

Make Super Simple Videos for Teaching Online

2020-09-21T08:30:10+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In the video, Professor Michael Wesch from the University of Kansas, explains why it is important to generate audiovisual records related to education. He gives the next 5 reasons which justify this importance: humanize the online class, generate links, validate and motivate students, save time, and implicit messages. It also describes how to overcome the fear of shame. In addition, it provides useful information on how to carry out this new experience at home with minimal tools such as good lighting, basic recording equipment, how to obtain good audio. These are all factors that allow you to achieve a video easily [...]

Learning Across Boundaries: How Parents and Teachers are Bridging Learning Across Settings

2020-09-14T08:02:21+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Researchers at the Cooney Center and UC Irvine have conducted separate surveys with 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K—8 teachers to paint a more comprehensive picture of whether, to what extent, and how children ages 3-12 are linking their learning experiences across three locales of interest: home, school, and community. This research illuminates: Where children are learning and with whom; How children are using technology to extend their learning beyond a single setting; What roles parents and teachers are playing in bridging children’s learning across settings, and the extent to which they are working together to do so; Which attitudes, beliefs, [...]

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