
Make Formative Assessment More Student-Centered

2020-10-05T09:06:47+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Make Formative Assessment More Student-Centered is a video created by the Common Sense team, a non-profit organization that provides educators and students with the resources they need to harness the power of technology for learning and life. This video provides three tips for great formative assessment. Does formative assessment begin and end with a quiz? Many popular formative assessment apps like Kahoot!, Plickers, and Socrative make giving and scoring quizzes easy and efficient. They also give teachers great feedback on learning and instruction. But quizzes and feedback are the top of the iceberg. To unlock formative assessment’s full potential, go beyond [...]

ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2019

2021-02-08T23:34:03+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This study presents important conclusions from EDUCAUSE's 2019 research on students and information technology. It also provides recommendations on giving students technology support and solution needs, in order to improve students learning experiences on campus and helping them to reach success. Drawing on survey data from more than 40,000 students across 118 US institutions, this report highlights a number of important findings related to students' technology preferences, supports, and experiences. While the majority of students (70%) prefer mostly or completely face-to-face learning environments, specific demographic factors influence their preferences. Labs and demonstrations, faculty/student conferences, and lectures were rated as the most preferred activities [...]

Cal passar de la visió de l’educació entesa com a escolarització a una que reconegui la connexió dels diversos contextos d’aprenentatge

2020-09-28T08:26:40+01:00Tags: , , , , |

César Coll, Catedràtic de Psicologia de l'Educació, Universitat de Barcelona, comenta sobre la seva visió d'educació més enllà de l'escola, abastant la connexió dels diversos contextos d'aprenentatge. Es refereix a l'redisseny de les activitats escolars en un temps rècord com a conseqüència de la pandèmia Covid19, especialment a la incorporació de diverses plataformes digitals per a l'ensenyament i l'aprenentatge. No obstant això, aquest nou context deixa entreveure debilitats importants de l'nostre sistema educatiu tal com la manca d'artefactes digitals, la diversitat de condicions que limiten a les famílies i, principalment, l'existència en d'algunes familias d'un capital i d'uns recursos culturals que poden [...]

Help parents and caregivers keep kids focused, interested, and balanced

2020-09-24T08:53:23+01:00Tags: , , |

  This article was written by Christine Elgersma, editor and member of the non-profit organization Common Sense, in July 2020. This document provides some essential tips to help parents and caregivers keep children focused, interested, and balanced while learning at a distance. The distance learning scenario isn't entirely new and the hope is that we -- parents, caregivers, teachers, and school leaders -- are now better prepared to support kids in their social, emotional, and academic growth during the pandemic. What's true is that families are taking on much more responsibility for their kids' learning than ever before. And in order [...]

Make Super Simple Videos for Teaching Online

2020-09-21T08:30:10+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In the video, Professor Michael Wesch from the University of Kansas, explains why it is important to generate audiovisual records related to education. He gives the next 5 reasons which justify this importance: humanize the online class, generate links, validate and motivate students, save time, and implicit messages. It also describes how to overcome the fear of shame. In addition, it provides useful information on how to carry out this new experience at home with minimal tools such as good lighting, basic recording equipment, how to obtain good audio. These are all factors that allow you to achieve a video easily [...]

¿A qué llamaremos “ir a la escuela” en la educación post-COVID?

2020-09-17T08:42:57+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Esta charla forma parte de la primera temporada de “Conversatorios en tiempos de cuarentena”, compuesta por 45 diálogos que tuvieron como objetivo fomentar la construcción colectiva del conocimiento en el marco de la coyuntura actual. Estos conversatorios fueron moderados por Pablo Rivera, Raquel Miño, ambos docentes de la Universidad de Barcelona, y Ezequiel Passeron, director de Faro Digital, una organización de la sociedad civil que busca estudiar los efectos de las tecnologías digitales en la sociedad, en especial en lo referido a la educación, la comunicación, los vínculos y las identidades. ¿A qué llamaremos "ir a la escuela” en la educación [...]

Learning Across Boundaries: How Parents and Teachers are Bridging Learning Across Settings

2020-09-14T08:02:21+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Researchers at the Cooney Center and UC Irvine have conducted separate surveys with 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K—8 teachers to paint a more comprehensive picture of whether, to what extent, and how children ages 3-12 are linking their learning experiences across three locales of interest: home, school, and community. This research illuminates: Where children are learning and with whom; How children are using technology to extend their learning beyond a single setting; What roles parents and teachers are playing in bridging children’s learning across settings, and the extent to which they are working together to do so; Which attitudes, beliefs, [...]

Tiempo en familia con apps: una guía para usar aplicaciones

2021-02-08T22:08:06+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Esta guía fue elaborada por el equipo del Centro Joan Ganz Cooney, un laboratorio de investigación e innovación independiente que se enfoca en los desafíos para educar a la infancia en un panorama mediático que cambia rápidamente. La guía tiene como objetivo mostrar a los padres y madres cómo encontrar las mejores aplicaciones que se adapten a las necesidades de sus hijos e hijas, proporcionar consejos sobre cómo y por qué usar aplicaciones y resaltar algunos recursos que harán que el proceso de selección de aplicaciones sea menos abrumador y más divertido. Cuando pensamos en aplicaciones para los más pequeños a [...]

Super Digital Citizen

2020-09-07T08:06:52+01:00Tags: , , |

This video, made by the team at the non-profit organization Common Sense, represents a tool for fourth-grade students to create digital superheroes that display exemplary attributes and are capable of responsibly solving digital dilemmas every day. Online tools are empowering for kids, and they also come with big responsibilities. But do kids always know what to do when they encounter cyberbullying? Show your students appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts, from being upstanders to helping others in need. Students will be able to: Reflect on the characteristics that make someone an upstanding digital citizen. Recognize what cyberbullying is. Show [...]

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