
Learning Across Boundaries: How Parents and Teachers are Bridging Learning Across Settings

2020-09-14T08:02:21+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Researchers at the Cooney Center and UC Irvine have conducted separate surveys with 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K—8 teachers to paint a more comprehensive picture of whether, to what extent, and how children ages 3-12 are linking their learning experiences across three locales of interest: home, school, and community. This research illuminates: Where children are learning and with whom; How children are using technology to extend their learning beyond a single setting; What roles parents and teachers are playing in bridging children’s learning across settings, and the extent to which they are working together to do so; Which attitudes, beliefs, [...]

Tiempo en familia con apps: una guía para usar aplicaciones

2021-02-08T22:08:06+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Esta guía fue elaborada por el equipo del Centro Joan Ganz Cooney, un laboratorio de investigación e innovación independiente que se enfoca en los desafíos para educar a la infancia en un panorama mediático que cambia rápidamente. La guía tiene como objetivo mostrar a los padres y madres cómo encontrar las mejores aplicaciones que se adapten a las necesidades de sus hijos e hijas, proporcionar consejos sobre cómo y por qué usar aplicaciones y resaltar algunos recursos que harán que el proceso de selección de aplicaciones sea menos abrumador y más divertido. Cuando pensamos en aplicaciones para los más pequeños a [...]

Super Digital Citizen

2020-09-07T08:06:52+01:00Tags: , , |

This video, made by the team at the non-profit organization Common Sense, represents a tool for fourth-grade students to create digital superheroes that display exemplary attributes and are capable of responsibly solving digital dilemmas every day. Online tools are empowering for kids, and they also come with big responsibilities. But do kids always know what to do when they encounter cyberbullying? Show your students appropriate ways to take action and resolve conflicts, from being upstanders to helping others in need. Students will be able to: Reflect on the characteristics that make someone an upstanding digital citizen. Recognize what cyberbullying is. Show [...]

La Escuela ante la Pandemia COVID-19: continuidad o disrupción

2020-08-31T10:08:51+01:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

Conversatorio virtual en el que se discute sobre las perspectivas de la educación formal tras los acontecimientos desencadenados a raíz de la pandemia global causada por el COVID-19. En el conversatorio participan la Dra. Concepción Barrón Tirado, el Dr. César Coll, la Dra. Frida Díaz Barriga y el Mtro. Ramsés Barroso Bravo. El acto se realizó el 24 de agosto de 2020 y fue organizado por el Nivel Educativo de Educación Secundaria Técnica, desde la Secretaría de Trabajo y Conflictos de Secundarias Técnicas de la Sección 22 del SNTE-CNTE en coordinación con el Grupo de Investigación en Docencia, Diseño Educativo y TIC.    

Resistencia Digital. Manual de seguridad operacional e instrumental para smartphones

2021-02-08T23:38:21+01:00Tags: , , , |

Segunda edición del libro publicado por la Editorial Descontrol, una asociación que ofrece formación en materia de privacidad de datos y que tiene como objetivo principal hacer de puente entre la innovación tecnológica en materia de privacidad y la sociedad, así como ofrecer herramientas seguras para proteger la privacidad de las personas en una era en que la minería de datos está ampliamente extendida. El libro está dirigido a todo tipo de usuarios que utilizan smartphones y contiene información esencial sobre buenas prácticas de seguridad operacional y algunas herramientas para la protección de la privacidad en los smartphones. Para descargar el [...]

ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities, 2020

2020-08-24T08:03:54+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

The ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities 2020, written by Dana C. Gierdowski and Joseph Galanek from Educause, presents findings on the technology needs of students with disabilities. To better understand the academic technology needs of this student population, ECAR researchers examined nearly 2,000 open-ended responses collected in 2019 student study from individuals who identified as having a physical and/or a learning disability that required accessible technologies or accommodations for their coursework. Students with disabilities are a vulnerable population in higher education and experience barriers to education that many other students do not, and they can have both [...]

A Rubric for Evaluating E-Learning Tools in Higher Education

2020-08-20T08:00:27+01:00Tags: , , , , |

The rubric has been designed in 2018 by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson of the Western University (Canada). The rubric is aimed at instructors as a formative tool to evaluate eLearning tools in higher education. It specifically evaluates the suitability of an e-learning tool for the learners' needs and for their own learning outcomes and classroom context. The rubric supports a multi-dimensional evaluation of the next categories: functionality, accessibility, technical elements, mobile design, privacy, data protection and rights, social presence, and teaching presence. Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation PDF

What Is Competency-Based Education? An Updated Definition

2020-08-17T08:00:25+01:00Tags: , , , |

The report is an update on the 2011 working definition of competency-based education. Implementing education at deeper levels is becoming a great shift in school culture, structure, and pedagogy. Feedback received during 8 years after the original definition reflected a need for updating key issues. This actual report presents a new definition, developed by many experts on the field. It also includes context for understanding the definition and extra resources for additional exploration. Reference Levine, E. & Patrick, S. (2019). What is competency-based education? An updated definition. Vienna, VA: Aurora Institute.

Inclusive Teaching and Course Design

2020-08-13T08:01:56+01:00Tags: , , , |

The authors of this infographic (Penn State University) try to determine the best way to incorporate values such as diversity, equality, and inclusion in the context of teaching and learning. To achieve it, they created a list of recommendations in order to offer faculty and instructional designs a new perspective on students' needs, and strategies to create a caring learning environment. They divided their design into 3 different areas: 1- Setting expectations on the first day: in order to connect with students they propose different techniques, such as promoting confidence on students, reminding them that they can achieve great deals if [...]

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