
Congreso: Aplazamiento del IV Congreso ISCAR Ibérico: Cultura Digital y Cambio Social

2020-03-18T11:36:38+01:00Tags: , , |

Pilar Lacasa, Rut Martínez, Laura Méndez, Alba García e Iris Barrajón, organizadoras del “IV Congreso ISCAR Ibérico” han informado que se ha tomado la decisión de aplazar el evento a los días 26, 27 y 28 de octubre de 2020. La organización ha hecho los siguientes anuncios: (1) Se amplía el plazo de envío de propuestas, por si alguien quisiese participar en las nuevas fechas. La fecha límite es el 31 de abril 2020. El formulario online continúa abierto. (2) El 20 Junio de 2020 es la nueva fecha límite de inscripciones reducidas. (3) El 18 de Octubre de 2020 es [...]

The common sense census: inside the 21st-century classroom

2021-02-08T22:28:33+01:00Tags: , , , |

Technology has become an integral part of classroom learning, and students of all ages have access to digital media and devices at school. The Common Sense Census: Inside the 21st-Century Classroom is a report that explores how K–12 educators have adapted to these critical shifts in schools and society. From the benefits of teaching lifelong digital citizenship skills to the challenges of preparing students to critically evaluate online information, educators across the country share their perspectives on what it's like to teach in today's fast-changing digital world. Reference Vega, V., & Robb, M. B. (2019). The Common Sense census: Inside the [...]

World Mobile City Project: Barcelonada’20

2020-03-03T11:33:24+01:00Tags: , , , , |

La xarxa LaceNET, a través del World Mobile City Project (WMCP), organizó la Barcelonada’20. Esta actividad tuvo lugar el día 18 de febrero de 2020 en la ciudad de Barcelona, en España, y consistió en una innovación educativa que promueve la personalización del aprendizaje escolar a través de la puesta en marcha de recorridos por la ciudad. Alrededor de 2000 estudiantes de primaria y/o secundaria de diferentes centros educativos de zonas más o menos aledañas a Barcelona, recorren diferentes puntos de la ciudad a la par que van realizando en dichos puntos un conjunto de actividades mediadas por tecnología. Hay que [...]

Learning across boundaries: how parents and teachers are bridging children’s interests

2021-02-08T23:51:35+01:00Tags: , , , |

This report presents findings from separate surveys of 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K–8 teachers on whether, to what extent, and how U.S. children ages 3–12 are linking their learning experiences across home, school, and community settings. The inquiry paid particular attention to the ways in which caregivers and teachers support and, in some cases, impede the development of young children’s interests and the learning associated with pursuing these interests. Focusing on differences across demographics, the developed environment, and socio-economic status while taking an equity perspective, findings highlight areas of weakness and strength in this ecosystem of connected learning, suggesting what [...]

In their own words: what bothers children online? with the EU Kids Online Network

2021-02-08T23:53:14+01:00Tags: , , , |

Nearly 10,000 children told these authors in this report about what upsets them and their friends online. Their responses were diverse, revealing a long list of concerns. Pornography (named by 22% of children who told us of risks) and violent content (18%) top children’s online concerns. Overall, boys appear more bothered by violence than girls, while girls are more concerned with contact-related risks. Violence receives less public attention than sexual material, but many children are concerned about violent, aggressive or gory online content. As children told them, video-sharing websites are often associated with violent and pornographic content, along with a range [...]

IV Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías en la Educación

2020-03-03T09:09:26+01:00Tags: , , , , |

La Comunidad Internacional de Tecnologías en la Educación está formada por una red de investigadores y profesores que organizan este año el V Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías en la Educación. Para esta edición del Congreso proponen focalizar el interés de la comunidad educativa en el campo de metodologías docentes basadas en la gamificación. Se trata de una gran oportunidad de compartir, experimentar e incorporar a nuestro quehacer docente estrategias para conseguir una mejor motivación para los estudiantes.  Fechas: 26 y 27 de marzo de 2020 Lugar: Cancún, México Inscripciones en: http://tecno-educacion.com/congreso-2020/inscripcion/ Se abordarán otras temáticas relacionadas con la innovación docente, las [...]

GLOBAL KIDS ONLINE: CHILE / Chilean children’s internet use and online activities

2021-02-08T22:54:09+01:00Tags: , , , |

The aims of this study were to: (a) adapt the Global Kids Online survey to be applied in the Chilean context; and (b) to gather data from a representative sample related to the access, uses, skills and risks of young internet users in Chile. About findings, first, in relation to access, results show that 84.5% of households with child internet (9 to 17 years-old) users have a connection at home, which is higher than the home access of all Chilean households (76%) (SUBTEL, 2016). However, there are differences by socioeconomic group (SEG) regarding the availability and type of connection. Second, regarding [...]

Formació “Teacher Track YoMo 2020”

2020-02-03T10:32:03+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

El Departament d’Educació i el YoMo organitzen el programa d’activitats Teacher Track adreçat a docents i a l’alumnat de màster i de grau de Ciències de l'Educació. El programa presenta conferències i xerrades des d’una perspectiva global i també una sèrie de tallers pràctics sobre les últimes innovacions tecnològiques: des de Scrtatch fins a la impressió en 3D. Dies: dimarts 25, dimecres 26 i dijous 27 de febrer de 2020 Hora: de 15h a 20h Lloc: Farga de l’Hospitalet. Per a docents locals, la participació a YoMo i al Teacher Track és una activitat reconeguda i inclosa en el Pla de Formació Permanent del Departament d’Educació. El programa d’activitats el podeu [...]

Conferència “El repte de formar els professors necessaris per a la societat del coneixement” pel Dr. Levine

2020-01-31T11:16:22+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

La comissió d'Educació d'Amics del País organitza la conferència 'El repte de formar els docents necessaris per a la societat del coneixement', que pronunciarà el Prof. Arthur Levine, president emèrit de Teachers College (Columbia University) i expresident de la Woodrow Wilson Foundation. Dia: dimarts 11 de febrer Hora: 18.30h Lloc: Palau Macaya, Barcelona La transformació de les societats, en particular en relació a la generació i accés a la informació i al coneixement, comportarà canvis dramàtics a les escoles i universitats i al perfil dels docents. Això requereix reformular a fons la formació de professorat i explorar nous models. Per respondre aquest repte [...]

Supercharging the Classroom: Using Technology to Support Personalized Learning

2019-12-27T09:17:36+01:00Tags: , , , |

Sal Khan famously got his start in education by tutoring his cousin in math over the internet. Eventually he began creating YouTube videos, which turned into Khan Academy, a personalized learning nonprofit with thousands of videos, articles, and interactive exercises accessible from all over the world. At Khan Lab School, an innovative private school for kids ages 5 to 15+ founded in 2014—it doesn’t use traditional grades—education is designed around scalable models of personalization, mastery-based learning, and project-based learning. Khan’s virtual platform is one tool used to get students working at their own pace. And teachers act as “experts” who provide [...]

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