

2019-09-25T14:34:05+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

http://www.edumakers.es/ El proyecto Edu-Makers lleva desarrollándose en el IES Vegas Bajas de Montijo desde 2014 y el objetivo inicial del proyecto fue atender a la demanda tecnológicas de familiares y alumnos del centro. Esta iniciativa busca transmitir nociones básicas de programación, robótica, impresión 3D, realidad virtual, drones y todo aquello relacionado con las tecnologías. Tiene un carácter voluntario y es extensible a todo el alumnado del centro desarrollándose esta actividad durante las horas de recreo. Un aspecto especialmente relevante de Edu-makers es que conecta los intereses de los alumnos con la potencialidad que ofrece la tecnología. Fruto esta interacción han resultado actividades [...]

Early Progress

2019-09-25T14:33:28+01:00Tags: , , , |

http://k12education.gatesfoundation.org/download/?Num=2802&filename=42-Early-Progress-on-Personalized-Learning-Full-Report.pdf The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to identify strengths, and refine promising personalized learning practices; determine which are most effective; and encourage innovative educators and other leaders to spread the most successful practices to other classrooms, schools, and districts. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as new models, approaches, and supporting technologies emerge. Still, many of the early adopting schools appear to be implementing similar practices. These include a focus on learner profiles that enable each student to be known well; the development of personalized learning plans for students; progress based on demonstrated knowledge and skills, rather [...]

Continued Progress

2019-09-25T14:32:31+01:00Tags: , , , |

http://k12education.gatesfoundation.org/download/?Num=2342&filename=Gates-ContinuedProgress-Nov13.pdf The achievement findings in this report focus on 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices. All of the schools received funding from the Gates Foundation, either directly or through intermediary organizations, to implement personalized learning practices as part of at least one of the following three foundation-supported initiatives: Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC), Charter School Growth Fund’s Next Generation School Investments, and the Gates Foundation’s Personalized Learning Pilots. Each of the schools was selected to participate in these initiatives through a competitive process, which included a rigorous evaluation of its leadership team [...]

The Shifting Paradigm of Teaching: Personalized Learning According to Teachers

2019-09-02T09:47:55+01:00Tags: , , , , |

https://knowledgeworks.org/resources/teacher-conditions-personalized-learning/ Nowadays the world is markedly influenced by technology. Faced with this, it is possible that educators are no longer the only bearers of knowledge. Indeed, they are more important than ever, as they must prepare students for a workforce that is constantly changing. “The Shifting Paradigm of Teaching: Personalized Learning According to Teachers” is about what features or circumstances are promoted for teachers to create personalized learning environments in the classroom. Derived from interviews with teachers and principals, they claim how vision, culture, and transparency have affected the implementation of personalized learning. To them, teachers’ knowledge is aligned to 10 [...]

Enhancing social inclusion through innovative mobile learning in Uruguay: case study by the UNESCO-Fazheng project on best practices in mobile learning

2019-11-14T18:32:18+01:00Tags: , , |

https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000366324 For more than a decade Plan Ceibal, which began in 2007, has installed, maintained and expanded a computer infrastructure that reaches all elementary and middle public schools, and ensures access to laptops, digital contents and resources, platforms, educational programs, training and support for both students and teachers, as well as internet connectivity for all classrooms countrywide. However, Ceibal faces the important challenge of responding to the changing needs of improving education, training educators and ensuring digital inclusion of the population, which in the present are not necessarily addressed by the sole availability of digital devices. This report describes and summarizes [...]

Publicación de un artículo sobre intereses de niños y adolescentes en ciencia y tecnología

2019-06-04T10:29:58+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Recientemente, miembros del grupo de investigación GRINTIE hemos publicado un artículo .sobre intereses de niños y adolescentes en ciencia y tecnología en la Journal of Science Education and Technology. El artículo de Rochera, Merino, Oller, & Coll (2019) presenta un estudio cuyo objetivo era evaluar el interés de los alumnos de primaria y secundaria en campos específicos de Ciencia y Tecnología –CyT- y relacionar este interés con su predisposición a participar en actividades fuera de la escuela sobre CyT y su inclinación a convertirse en científicos en el futuro. Los resultados de la administración de un cuestionario sobre intereses y actitudes en CyT [...]

Brokering Youth Pathways

2019-07-01T07:04:36+01:00Tags: , , |

Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youthto future learning opportunities and resources. This toolkit shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team. For more info, please visit their website: LINK


2019-04-24T09:55:14+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

La Universidad de Alicante organiza las XVII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (REDES 2019) y el III Workshop Internacional de Innovación en Enseñanza Superior y TIC (INNOVAESTIC 2019). Ambas instancias se realizarán de forma conjunta y tienen por objetivo que docentes y profesionales que se encuentren vinculados a la enseñanza de educación superior puedan intercambiar experiencias e investigaciones con el fin de aportar a la calidad educativa en este nivel. Fecha: 6 y 7 de Junio de 2019 Lugar: Universidad de Alicante Los principales temas que se trabajarán en la presente serán: resultados de investigación sobre docencia en [...]

2019 Global Learning Landscape

2019-05-07T20:55:36+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

https://globallearninglandscape.org The 2019 Global Learning Landscape is an open source taxonomy for mapping innovation in learning and talent. This framework provides common structure and language for identifying, tracking and making sense of the complexity and volume of innovation happening in education all around the world. Combining machine learning with a global community of experts, over 50,000 organizations, 500,000 apps and considered the 3 million schools, colleges and universities around the world were analyzed. Using a top-down and bottom-up design methodology, the 2019 Global Learning Landscape was built around 50 core clusters along a learning journey. From knowledge and curriculum to engagement, [...]

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