aprenentatge connectat

Com fer de l’escola un espai educatiu integrat i obert a la comunitat? IE Trinitat Nova- Barcelona

2020-07-23T06:42:51+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Com fer de l'escola un espai educatiu integrat i obert a la comunitat? L'institut Escola Trinitat Nova de Barcelona s'ha repensat conjuntament amb la comunitat. Aquest vídeo mostra com els agents educatius del barri treballen dins i fora de l'horari lectiu i dins i fora de les parets del centre educatiu amb els infants i joves de l'institut escola. Una de les grans apostes que ha dut a terme és la de pensar i construir els nous espais del centre per a compartir el seu ús amb la comunitat. Més informació Educació 360

YOUmedia Learning Labs Network

2020-07-20T08:11:48+01:00Tags: , , , |

  The labs are creative, transformative, and dynamic spaces. With a commitment to equity and digital inclusion, they expand opportunities for interest-driven learning by youth. YOUmedia Learning Labs are centered around production and guided by a core philosophy that youth are best engaged when they are discovering and following their passions, collaborating with others, and being makers and doers. YOUmedia Learning Labs put Connected Learning into action. YOUmedia Learning Labs come in many shapes and sizes and can be found in libraries, museums, community centers, and school settings. Although individual sites may address these qualities differently, these features define YOUmedia Learning [...]

Teachers: Connecting family learning across settings

2020-07-20T07:51:28+01:00Tags: , , |

Teachers: Connecting family learning across settings is a two-page tip sheet that provides some research-based suggestions that will help teachers foster their students’ natural interests and help families to find opportunities to engage in. This report is part of the Families Learning Across Boundaries (FamLAB) project that surveyed 407 library professionals, 1,550 parents, and 600 pre-K-8 teachers in the United States to learn how they support children's learning. from 3 to 12 years old in their communities. Teachers do much more than instruct children in the classroom. They also play an important role in supporting learning across settings: at school, home, [...]

ApS y Coronavirus. Proyecto de la Red Española de Aprendizaje Servicio

2021-03-22T15:19:39+01:00Tags: , , , , , , , |

Con este post la Red Española de Aprendizaje Servicio, una asociación sin ánimo de lucro, cierra la serie de experiencias de aprendizaje servicio -ApS- desarrolladas durante la pandemia y en situación de confinamiento. La variedad de las prácticas y su valor como precedente en una situación de crisis hace que la Red Española de Aprendizaje-Servicio publique este conjunto de experiencias con entusiasmo, pues todas ellas constituyen ejemplos y fuentes de inspiración y motivación para otros centros educativos. En total, se han inventariado 60 proyectos, los cuales están ubicados: 28 en Educación Infantil y Primaria 16 en Educación Secundaria (ESO y Bachillerato) 6 en Formación [...]

Entrevista a Manuel Castells sobre sociedad del conocimiento y laboratorios ciudadanos

2020-07-05T21:11:15+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

En esta entrevista, realizada por Citilab-Cornellà en 2008, el sociólogo y economista Manuel Castells, actualmente Ministro de Universidades del gobierno de España, reflexiona sobre temas tales como: el papel de los líderes de opinión en la web, la diferencia entre sociedad física y sociedad virtual; la importancia del proyecto Citilab y otros Citilab del mundo.  

Les claus d’èxit de l’aprenentatge connectat

2020-06-10T08:38:54+01:00Tags: , , , |

En aquesta infografia, l'equip d'Educació 360, reprenent la proposta de Connected Learning Network, ens expliquen com l’aprenentatge pot canviar la trajectòria de vida d’una persona quan es combinem els interessos personals, les oportunitats educatives dins la pròpia comunitat i els espais de suport entre iguals i amb adults. L’aprenentatge connectat és un model adreçat als joves, on els mitjans digitals tenen un paper clau. Un dels seus principals beneficis és que contribueix a l’equitat en l’accés als aprenentatges dels nois i noies. La Connected Learning Alliance n’explica els objectius, beneficis i impacte.

El aprendizaje servicio: bases pedagógicas e ideas clave

2020-07-02T08:52:55+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

     Video resumen de la intervención "El aprendizaje Servicio: bases pedagógicas e ideas clave" a cargo de Josep María Puig, catedrático de Teoría e Historia de la Educación de la Facultad de Pedagogía de la Universitat de Barcelona, en el marco del V encuentro para la promoción del aprendizaje servicio, realizado el  15 de noviembre de 2012 en Barcelona.

BROKERING YOUTH PATHWAYS. A toolkit for connecting youth to future opportunity

2020-06-10T09:36:17+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youth to future learning opportunities and resources. Brokering Youth Pathways was produced by Hive Research Lab, an applied research partner of Hive NYC Learning Network —a community of informal educational organizations dedicated to supporting digital learning. “Brokering” is an important equity-oriented practice that out-of-school-time (OST) educators can take up in support of youth learning and development. Brokering is means of supporting identity development, social capital building and long-term, interest-driven learning across settings through actively connecting program participants to new learning opportunities like out of school [...]

Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests

2021-02-08T22:20:19+01:00Tags: , , , |

As part of the Families Learning Across Boundaries (FamLAB) Project, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center surveyed library professionals in the U.S. about how they are connecting children’s learning across settings. Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests Report underscores the commitment to serving their communities that many librarians share as they actively seek to understand their patrons’ interests and needs, and find innovative ways for their libraries to evolve as community learning centers. At the same time, nearly half of our respondents reported that the general public simply may not be as aware that libraries provide such a wealth of [...]

Educational ICT report: Brazil’s mobile-only internet use grows

2021-02-08T23:49:57+01:00Tags: , , , |

The 7th edition of the ICT Kids Online Brazil survey was recently launched by the Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil. Drawing on a nationally representative survey with 2,964 internet-using children aged 9 to 17 and one of their parents, the Brazilian report is the longest-running in the Global Kids Online network with annual waves since 2012. In 2018-19, the survey estimated that 86% of Brazilian children aged 9 to 17 years are internet users – up from 85% in the previous year. While inequalities in access to and use of digital technologies persist, some of the gaps are slowly decreasing. [...]

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