
L’ecosistema educatiu local: un espai de personalització de l’aprenentatge

2020-02-14T11:22:06+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Aquesta presentació realitzada pel Dr. César Coll, catedràtic de psicologia evolutiva i de l'educació de la Universitat de Barcelona, gira al voltant de la personalització de l'aprenentatge i l'ecosistema educatiu local, i planteja diferents aspectes relacionats amb aquest tema: el problema del sentit, la nova ecologia de l'aprenentatge i el repte de la personalització; els projectes educatius comunitaris com a possibilitat per a una educació distribuïda i interconnectada; i el paper de les administracions educatives locals en el desenvolupament d'aquests projectes. Aquesta conferència es va realitzar  en el marc del XXXI Fòrum Local d’Educació dedicat a “L’ecosistema educatiu local com un espai [...]

Learning Inside an Out-of-School Newsroom

2020-01-20T09:00:11+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Elisabeth (Lissa) Soep, PhD, research director and senior producer at Youth Radio, a Peabody Award-winning, youth-driven production company in Oakland, California, with bureaus across the country and partners around the world. Lissa's new book with Vivian Chavez, Drop That Knowledge: Youth Radio Stories, takes you behind-the-scenes to give you concrete strategies for engaging and collaborating with diverse groups of young people on real-world initiatives. In this post, she's sharing the how-tos (and the valuable lessons) of writing a radio commentary. Visit the website

Traditional Education vs. Personalized Learning

2020-01-17T09:02:57+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This infography was designed and published by Knowledge Works. The chart illustrates the differences between a personalized, competency-based approach and a more traditional approach to education. Particularly, it compares both kinds of approaches attending to the differences that they have in relation to: 1) school culture, 2) instruction, 3) assessment system, 4) grading policies, 5) learning continuum and 6) learning pace.

Boom or Bust Academics

2020-01-15T09:02:58+01:00Tags: , , , , , , | The Institute for Personalized Learning, division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 presents its blog section whose aim is to provide digital learning resources for educators. In this case an innovative school district experience takes place in the oil city of Odessa in West Texas. In a place where families are inclined to work for the oil industry moving from rig to rig and their children follow, makes difficult for students to have continuity in their education. For these transit students a digital learning tool The Stride™ Program has been created to enable them to stay on pace with Texas’ [...]

Quality principles for Competency-Based education

2020-01-13T09:01:01+01:00Tags: , , , , |

El libro Quality principles for Competency-Based education, elaborado a partir de la participación de expertos en el National Summit on K-12 Competency-Based Education en Denver (Colorado, USA), presenta 16 principios de calidad que deberían guiar el Desarrollo de programas educativos basados en el trabajo competencial. El objetivo del libro es ayudar a crear sistemas educativos que favorezcan el éxito de todo el alumnado independientemente de su diversidad. Se contrasta pues un modelo educativo basado en el paradigma de enseñanza tradicional con un nuevo marco de referencia que permite a las escuelas partir desde cualquiera de los 16 principios para llegar a [...]

Com generar un ecosistema educatiu al barri? L’experiència de +Educació Sant Andreu

2020-01-10T11:53:00+01:00Tags: , , , |

En el marc de la proposta Educació 360, que busca connectar els aprenentatges que és produeixen en tots els temps i espais de la vida de les persones, es presenta aquest vídeo que explica com generar un ecosistema educatiu al barri, posant en contacte els centres educatius amb els recursos i propostes educatives que ofereix la comunitat. Aquest és el repte que està treballant el projecte +Educació Sant Andreu (de la ciutat de Barcelona). Es tracta d'un projecte comunitari que neix de la necessitat d’algunes escoles de Sant Andreu de treballar en xarxa per oferir més i millors oportunitats educatives al [...]

What (and where) is the ‘learning’ when we talk about learning in the home?

2020-01-10T12:18:54+01:00Tags: , , , |

In trying to address the vexed challenge of theorizing learning transfer to make sense of how we learn across social contexts and what learning might mean in more informal domestic circumstances, Stevens and his colleagues offer a series of detailed studies of gaming in the home (Stevens, Satwicz, & McCarthy, 2008). In this report Sefton-Green talk about this work. For him, they argue that we need to look at the “dispositions and purposes” that people bring with them to experiences and then consider “what people make of experiences in other times and places in their lives” (pp. 63–64). Learning, they suggest, [...]

The Opportunities for Choice

2020-01-10T11:54:12+01:00Tags: , , |

 (Click on the image) The goal of providing more choice is to move from being participants of learning to become self-directed, independent learners with agency. It is about teachers and learners changing mindsets and having “can do” attitudes. This takes time and a process for both teachers and learners. When you acquire the skills needed for advocacy and innovation, learners automatically take more responsibility for their learning. The more choices learners make on their own will give them the skills to advocate for what they are passionate about and become more innovative about how they discover their purpose for learning. The [...]

Continuum of Voice: What it Means for the Learner

2020-01-10T09:23:57+01:00Tags: , , , |

 (Click on the image) Voice gives learners a chance to share their opinions about something they believe in. We adapted the Continuum of Voice chart we used from research from Toshalis and Nakkula at the Students at the Center in our post Learner Voice Demonstrates Commitment to Building Agency. We added examples that illustrate each level to support implementation using a design by Sylvia Duckworth. The learning environment changes as you encourage voice and can see learners taking more control of their learning. This occurs across the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments (PLE). Continuum of VoiceTM by Barbara Bray and [...]

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