
Things to consider when planning learning activities

2020-02-07T09:03:06+01:00Tags: , , , |

This infographic offers several questions to ask oneself while designing learning activities, in order to make sure you are considering different aspects that can help to personalized learning. It could be useful for any subject and any kind of activities. It will help you to think about the opportunities for learners to tap into their own personal interests and to express themselves using their voices, if it going to be useful and relevant but also funny for learners, if they are going to have the opportunity to show what they have learned and to shine with it… It could be very [...]

From Vision to Reality: Personalized, Competency-Based Learning for All Kids

2020-02-05T09:03:51+01:00Tags: , , , |

From this page you can download for free this guide designed by Virgel Hammonds and Jesse Moyer. The authors talk about the pillars of personalized learning, which involves putting students in the center and requires attending to four factors: deeper learning, equitable and basic curriculum, considering the learner agency, and the social and emotional skills. It offers recommendations to implement personalized learning with strategies for students, teachers and districts or communities. Download the report

All learning is personal

2020-02-03T09:03:31+01:00Tags: , , , , |

The Institute for Personalized Learning, division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 presents in this section the core components of their learning model. This one stipulates learning activity is autonomous, initiated and controlled by the learner. For all learners can get this level and become a key contributor to their learning, connections, interactions or context must be identified. To achieve this, educators have to know thoughtfully what motivates the learner and what are their interests about. These 3 core components are: • Learner profiles (Demographic data, academic status, learning-related skill set, potential learning drivers). • Customized learning paths (Develop personal learning [...]

Característiques d’un centre educatiu 360

2020-01-31T15:06:34+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Aquesta infografia elaborada per Mireia Mas presenta les característiques distintives dels Centres Educatius 360 a Catalunya. Es descriuen 13 característiques que defineixen una escola o institut 360, és a dir, que treballa en xarxa amb altres agents, temps i espais educatius per a millorar les condicions d'igualtat educativa de l'alumnat. No és necessari complir totes les característiques, però sí que realitzar accions que connectin el centre educatiu amb l'entorn, que connectin el temps i els espais lectius i no lectius, i que connectin els aprenentatges realitzats pels estudiants dins i fora de l'escola. (Fes clic en la imatge)

Reflection in Learning

2020-01-31T14:52:59+01:00Tags: , , |

This study explored the impact of reflection on learning in an online learning environment. Twenty-five students from four online courses participated in this research project. Reflection was purposefully designed and embedded in various assignments. Data were mainly collected from interviews and students’ different types of reflections. The inductive content analysis method was employed to analyze data. Five themes were generalized in terms of how reflection impacts learning: Increasing the depth of knowledge, identifying the areas which are missing or deficient, personalizing and contextualizing knowledge, providing comparative references in learning, and helping learners build structural connections in knowledge and social connections among [...]

La reestructuración de los espacios escolares: una oportunidad para promover la reflexión del alumnado

2020-01-27T15:21:38+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

La reestructuración de los espacios escolares: una oportunidad para promover la reflexión del alumnado es un texto publicado en el portal EDUforics, en el que se analiza una práctica de innovación que se ha diseñado e implementado en toda la etapa de educación primaria del colegio Montserrat (FUHEM) y que ha implicado una reestructuración y modificación de la gestión de los espacios educativos, desde la perspectiva de su potencialidad para contribuir al desarrollo de la competencia de aprender a aprender. Este texto tiene dos objetivos principales. El primero de ellos consiste en presentar teóricamente la reflexión del alumnado sobre su proceso [...]

L’ecosistema educatiu local: un espai de personalització de l’aprenentatge

2020-02-14T11:22:06+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Aquesta presentació realitzada pel Dr. César Coll, catedràtic de psicologia evolutiva i de l'educació de la Universitat de Barcelona, gira al voltant de la personalització de l'aprenentatge i l'ecosistema educatiu local, i planteja diferents aspectes relacionats amb aquest tema: el problema del sentit, la nova ecologia de l'aprenentatge i el repte de la personalització; els projectes educatius comunitaris com a possibilitat per a una educació distribuïda i interconnectada; i el paper de les administracions educatives locals en el desenvolupament d'aquests projectes. Aquesta conferència es va realitzar  en el marc del XXXI Fòrum Local d’Educació dedicat a “L’ecosistema educatiu local com un espai [...]

Learning Inside an Out-of-School Newsroom

2020-01-20T09:00:11+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Elisabeth (Lissa) Soep, PhD, research director and senior producer at Youth Radio, a Peabody Award-winning, youth-driven production company in Oakland, California, with bureaus across the country and partners around the world. Lissa's new book with Vivian Chavez, Drop That Knowledge: Youth Radio Stories, takes you behind-the-scenes to give you concrete strategies for engaging and collaborating with diverse groups of young people on real-world initiatives. In this post, she's sharing the how-tos (and the valuable lessons) of writing a radio commentary. Visit the website

Traditional Education vs. Personalized Learning

2020-01-17T09:02:57+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This infography was designed and published by Knowledge Works. The chart illustrates the differences between a personalized, competency-based approach and a more traditional approach to education. Particularly, it compares both kinds of approaches attending to the differences that they have in relation to: 1) school culture, 2) instruction, 3) assessment system, 4) grading policies, 5) learning continuum and 6) learning pace.

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