sitio web

The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM)

2019-11-12T17:40:24+01:00noviembre 15th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , | The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) was developed to guide the complex task of evaluating technology integration in the classroom. It provides a common vocabulary for pedagogically sound technology integration for teachers, school leaders, coaches, researchers, evaluators, and professional development facilitators. The theoretical framework of the TIM is based on constructivist learning theory and research related to teacher practice. In contrast to other models for technology integration, the TIM is designed to evaluate a lesson, as opposed to rating a teacher or judging a discrete task. TIM provides a framework for describing and targeting the use of technology to enhance learning. [...]

The Institute for Personalized Learning

2019-11-06T14:48:39+01:00noviembre 6th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , |

Access to the interactive honeycomb The Institute for Personalized Learning is a division of Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1, a provider of high-quality, cost-effective programs and services for K-12 districts in Southeastern Wisconsin. The vision of the Institute is a world where every learner has the capacity and drive to learn for life. Their mission is to launch and infuse a learner-centered framework for scaling personalized learning and nurturing powerful learners. For this purpose, a model and process based on an action network approach has been developed, working with network schools and districts to re-design the educational ecosystem into one that is learner-centered. These [...]

Personalized Learning: What You Need to Know

2019-10-23T20:55:58+01:00octubre 2nd, 2019|Etiquetas: , , | This webpage, written by teacher Amanda Morin, offers information about personalized learning that can be used to teacher training in personalizing learning. It presents four widely used models schools follow: 1. Schools that use learner profiles. 2. Schools that use personalized learning paths. 3. Schools that use competency-based progression. 4. Schools using flexible learning environments.  Each of these models sets high expectations for all students and aligns their learning to a set of rigorous standards. The website also indicates that personalized learning approach has the potential to help reduce the stigma of special education and better meet the needs of kids [...]

LEAP Innovations: Every learner deserves to be empowered

2019-10-23T16:50:13+01:00septiembre 25th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , | LEAP Innovations is a national organization headquartered in Chicago that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. LEAP works directly with educators and innovators to discover, pilot and scale personalized learning technologies and innovative practices. In just over four years, LEAP has worked directly with more than 125 schools across Chicago to implement personalized learning, from classroom-level innovation in the Pilot Network to whole-school transformation in Breakthrough Schools. LEAP’s work is anchored by the LEAP Learning Framework, a suite of resources that educators across the country are using to define, design, and implement personalized learning models. Visit [...]

Defining personalized learning

2021-02-08T23:18:16+01:00septiembre 10th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , |

  In the past if you’d seen one definition of personalized learning, you’d seen… well… one definition of personalized learning. While this is a common occurrence in the early stages of disruptive innovation in any field, the lack of a consistent definition and language for a relatively complex idea has hampered both understanding and effective implementation. This website presents some definitions of personalized learning that have been put forward recently, by organizations, motivated to resolve field confusion. Even there are subtle differences, across these definitions the similarities emerge. Learn more

Red de Evaluación Formativa Y Compartida en Educación” (REFYCE)

2019-11-14T18:28:45+01:00julio 1st, 2019|Etiquetas: , , |  La Red de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Educación (REFYCE) lleva funcionando desde septiembre de 2005. Su finalidad es la innovación en docencia universitaria, a través del desarrollo de ciclos de investigación-acción que están condensados y muy bien explicados en su sitio web.

Cultural Praxis

2019-06-08T12:46:37+01:00junio 27th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , |

This website contains supplemental material to Mind, Culture, and Activity, an international journal that examines the relationships between the human mind, the sociocultural environments they inhabit, and the way that mind and culture are constituted in a wide variety of human activities.

Experiencias educativas transformadoras

2019-07-01T07:08:04+01:00junio 24th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , |

Este sitio web presenta un repositorio de experiencias educativas innovadoras como guía e inspiración para otros docentes y profesionales de la educación. Las experiencias didácticas están vinculadas a proyectos de diferentes ámbitos educativos y el uso de la tecnología. Además, han sido puestas en práctica por un período de tiempo significativo en el entorno educativo donde se han aplicado. Estos proyectos han sido realizados por docentes que buscan mejorar sus prácticas, los cuales han tenido un efecto transformador sobre las mismas. Lo que se busca eventualmente es crear una biblioteca de experiencias y ponerla a disposición de cualquier docente, así como [...]


2019-07-01T07:00:35+01:00junio 10th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , |

The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. It is run by CAST, which is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.   For more info, please visit:

Universal Design for Learning UDL Guidelines

2019-07-01T07:02:34+01:00junio 6th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , |

Página web creada desde el proyecto de investigación DUALETIC para la difusión del Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje (DUA). El DUA se basa en tres principios: proveer al alumnado de distintos medios de representación, múltiples medios de acción y diferentes formas de implicación para dotar de sentido los aprendizajes. El proyecto DUALETIC tiene como objeto estudiar la eficacia de la aplicación de los principios del DUA en los contextos escolares y de la utilización de materiales didácticos digitales accesibles, analizar las implicaciones que ello supone en los procesos de adquisición y mejora de la lectoescritura en Educación Primaria, así como definir elementos [...]

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