
Stages of Personalized Learning Environments

2020-02-17T09:05:30+01:00Tags: , , |

In this chart, Barbara Bray and Kathleen McClaskey present a work called “Stages of Personalized Learning Environments (PLE)”. The authors present how learners use voice and choice when they create their Learner Profile (LP) and Personal Learning Plans (PLP). The authors updated their previous work, changing some of the terminology and wanting to align the chart with the information in their book called “How to Personalize Learning” (2016). Stages of Personalized Learning Environments (PLE) version 5 from Barbara Bray & Kathleen McClaskey  

Steps to Creating the Conditions for Deep, Rigorous and Applied Learning

2021-02-08T23:01:59+01:00Tags: , , , |

Many school administrators, teachers and parents want the education provided to children to be high quality, rigorous and connected to the world outside the classroom. Teachers are trying to provide these elements in various ways, but a group of schools calling themselves the “Deeper Learning Network” have codified some of what they believe are essential qualities of deep learning. Some of these qualities include learning designated content, critical thinking, communication skills, collaborating effectively and connecting learning to real-world experiences. The infographic Steps to Creating the Conditions for Deep, Rigorous, Applied Learning shows us the keys of how to promote deeper learnings. [...]

Things to consider when planning learning activities

2020-02-07T09:03:06+01:00Tags: , , , |

This infographic offers several questions to ask oneself while designing learning activities, in order to make sure you are considering different aspects that can help to personalized learning. It could be useful for any subject and any kind of activities. It will help you to think about the opportunities for learners to tap into their own personal interests and to express themselves using their voices, if it going to be useful and relevant but also funny for learners, if they are going to have the opportunity to show what they have learned and to shine with it… It could be very [...]

Característiques d’un centre educatiu 360

2020-01-31T15:06:34+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Aquesta infografia elaborada per Mireia Mas presenta les característiques distintives dels Centres Educatius 360 a Catalunya. Es descriuen 13 característiques que defineixen una escola o institut 360, és a dir, que treballa en xarxa amb altres agents, temps i espais educatius per a millorar les condicions d'igualtat educativa de l'alumnat. No és necessari complir totes les característiques, però sí que realitzar accions que connectin el centre educatiu amb l'entorn, que connectin el temps i els espais lectius i no lectius, i que connectin els aprenentatges realitzats pels estudiants dins i fora de l'escola. (Fes clic en la imatge)

Traditional Education vs. Personalized Learning

2020-01-17T09:02:57+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This infography was designed and published by Knowledge Works. The chart illustrates the differences between a personalized, competency-based approach and a more traditional approach to education. Particularly, it compares both kinds of approaches attending to the differences that they have in relation to: 1) school culture, 2) instruction, 3) assessment system, 4) grading policies, 5) learning continuum and 6) learning pace.

The Opportunities for Choice

2020-01-10T11:54:12+01:00Tags: , , |

 (Click on the image) The goal of providing more choice is to move from being participants of learning to become self-directed, independent learners with agency. It is about teachers and learners changing mindsets and having “can do” attitudes. This takes time and a process for both teachers and learners. When you acquire the skills needed for advocacy and innovation, learners automatically take more responsibility for their learning. The more choices learners make on their own will give them the skills to advocate for what they are passionate about and become more innovative about how they discover their purpose for learning. The [...]

Continuum of Voice: What it Means for the Learner

2020-01-10T09:23:57+01:00Tags: , , , |

 (Click on the image) Voice gives learners a chance to share their opinions about something they believe in. We adapted the Continuum of Voice chart we used from research from Toshalis and Nakkula at the Students at the Center in our post Learner Voice Demonstrates Commitment to Building Agency. We added examples that illustrate each level to support implementation using a design by Sylvia Duckworth. The learning environment changes as you encourage voice and can see learners taking more control of their learning. This occurs across the Stages of Personalized Learning Environments (PLE). Continuum of VoiceTM by Barbara Bray and [...]

How personalized learning can benefit students

2019-07-01T07:13:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

The infographic, How Personalized Learning Can Benefit Students, shows how the personalized learning model boosts engagement, achievement, and helps both students and teachers optimize their educational efforts for greater success. It shows different areas that become affected by this perspective of how students learn: the model of learning, the roles of both students and teachers, the instructional sources and materials, the curriculum, the student’s natural pace and the evaluation.   To see this resource, please visit: LINK

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