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L’ecosistema com a mirada: Itineraris Culturals a Kuopio, Finlàndia
Els Itineraris Culturals de Kuopio tenen com a objectiu incorporar la cultura al currículum de dels infants i joves, familiaritzant-los amb la vida artística de la ciutat i garantint l’accés de nois i noies als [...]
Personalized Learning: What You Need to Know
https://u.org/2GrRHIj This webpage, written by teacher Amanda Morin, offers information about personalized learning that can be used to teacher training in personalizing learning. It presents four widely used models schools follow: 1. Schools that use learner [...]
LEAP Innovations: Every learner deserves to be empowered
https://leapinnovations.org LEAP Innovations is a national organization headquartered in Chicago that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. LEAP works directly with educators and innovators to discover, pilot and scale personalized learning technologies [...]
Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future- TEDx
https://youtu.be/UCFg9bcW7Bk Joe Ruhl speaks about how the collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity should be present in all classrooms. Joe Ruhl received his bachelors and masters degrees at Purdue University and he has been sharing [...]
Report: How can technology help personalize learning?
https://www.sri.com/sites/default/files/publications/using-technology-personalize-learning-k-12-schools.pdf This report discusses key aspects of personalized learning, how schools are organizing opportunities for personalized learning, and how technology can be used to enable personalized learning for a general K–12 student population. It culminates [...]
Defining personalized learning
In the past if you’d seen one definition of personalized learning, you’d seen… well… one definition of personalized learning. While this is a common occurrence in the early stages of disruptive innovation in any [...]