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La Escuela ante la Pandemia COVID-19: continuidad o disrupción
Conversatorio virtual en el que se discute sobre las perspectivas de la educación formal tras los acontecimientos desencadenados a raíz de la pandemia global causada por el COVID-19. En el conversatorio participan la Dra. Concepción Barrón Tirado, [...]
Resistencia Digital. Manual de seguridad operacional e instrumental para smartphones
Segunda edición del libro publicado por la Editorial Descontrol, una asociación que ofrece formación en materia de privacidad de datos y que tiene como objetivo principal hacer de puente entre la innovación tecnológica en materia [...]
ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities, 2020
The ECAR Study of the Technology Needs of Students with Disabilities 2020, written by Dana C. Gierdowski and Joseph Galanek from Educause, presents findings on the technology needs of students with disabilities. To better understand the [...]
A Rubric for Evaluating E-Learning Tools in Higher Education
The rubric has been designed in 2018 by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson of the Western University (Canada). The rubric is aimed at instructors as a formative tool to evaluate eLearning tools in [...]
What Is Competency-Based Education? An Updated Definition
The report is an update on the 2011 working definition of competency-based education. Implementing education at deeper levels is becoming a great shift in school culture, structure, and pedagogy. Feedback received during 8 years after [...]
Inclusive Teaching and Course Design
The authors of this infographic (Penn State University) try to determine the best way to incorporate values such as diversity, equality, and inclusion in the context of teaching and learning. To achieve it, they created [...]