Quines novetats hi ha en els recursos BLE?
Fes un cop d’ull i ho descobriràs!
Mapa de herramientas de Inteligencia Artificial Generativa
Recurso dirigido al profesorado que muestra una serie de herramientas de inteligencia artificial generativa útiles para la labor docente. El recurso ha sido desarrollado por el Instituto de Docencia Universitaria de la Pontificia Universidad Católica [...]
Article: Teachers’ views on gameful practices – A scoping review
Gameful education can foster students' lifelong learning perspectives, which is vital in the 21st century. However, implementation strongly depends on teachers' views about gameful practices. This scoping review aims to identify the characteristics of relevant [...]
Book: Creative Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Education
“This open access book explores the synergy between AI and education, highlighting its potential impact on pedagogical practices. It navigates the evolving landscape of AI-powered educational technologies and suggests practical ways to personalise instruction, nurture [...]
A design-based implementation study of a preschool Spanish/English multi-tiered language curriculum
Implementation considerations should be integrated into the development of educational innovations. This design-based implementation research (DBIR) aimed to identify components needing revision, assess the feasibility of a video manual, and document barriers to implementing a [...]
Article: Managing e-learning metadata within ToolboX.Academy: knowledge acquisition with Big Data algorithms at the student and group levels
E-learning not only provides new ways to access knowledge and transforms teaching both in school and at home, but also helps uncover insights about students' skills, competencies, attitudes, and potential disorders. By using AI-based big [...]
El ocio educativo: un derecho reconocido, pero no garantizado
"El ocio educativo, por la función social y pedagógica que tiene, es un derecho cada vez más reconocido socialmente. Sin embargo, a pesar de los beneficios que aporta a los niños y adolescentes para su [...]