Monthly Archives: April 2020

Conferencia: “Coursera Virtual Conference: Digital transformation of Higher Education, COVID-19 and beyond”

2020-04-16T09:33:22+01:00April 16th, 2020|Tags: , , |

La plataforma de educación Coursera organiza la conferencia “Digital transformation of Higher Education, COVID-19 and beyond” . En esta conferencia, los líderes de la plataforma, universidades colaboradoras y otros expertos discutirán sobre el impacto del COVID-19 en la educación superior y cómo las universidades se están adaptando a este desafío. La actividad se llevará a cabo de forma online el día 21 de abril de 2020, y para inscribirse está disponible el link: En el siguiente enlace encontrarán más información sobre el evento: Más información

Ampliación del acceso a las funciones premium de Google Meet

2020-04-16T09:20:04+01:00April 16th, 2020|Tags: , , |

Google Meet, aplicación de G suites para realizar videollamadas, ha extendido el uso de sus funciones premium, que en un principio serían hasta el 31 de julio, hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2020. Esto significa, que para quienes poseen licencia G Suite for Education and G Suite Enterprise for Education podrán realizar, sin costo alguno, videollamadas de hasta 250 participantes, transmisiones en directo hasta 100 mil espectadores dentro del dominio y grabar reuniones y guardarlas en Google Drive. Podrás encontrar más información sobre esto en el siguiente link: Más información

Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests

2021-02-08T22:20:29+01:00April 16th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

As part of the Families Learning Across Boundaries (FamLAB) Project, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center surveyed library professionals in the U.S. about how they are connecting children’s learning across settings. Learning across boundaries: How librarians are bridging children’s interests Report underscores the commitment to serving their communities that many librarians share as they actively seek to understand their patrons’ interests and needs, and find innovative ways for their libraries to evolve as community learning centers. At the same time, nearly half of our respondents reported that the general public simply may not be as aware that libraries provide such a wealth of [...]

El desacuerdo, por Popper

2020-04-15T11:54:57+01:00April 15th, 2020|

El aumento del conocimiento depende por completo de la existencia del desacuerdo.   Popper, K. (1993). Lógica de la investigación. Tecnos.

Conectar con el entorno. Promover aprendizajes culturalmente relevantes desde el Aprendizaje-Servicio

2020-04-13T08:03:38+01:00April 13th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

El artículo Conectar con el entorno. Promover aprendizajes culturalmente relevantes desde el Aprendizaje-Servicio publicado en el portal EDUforics presenta una experiencia de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (APS) realizada en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria Miguel Catalán de Coslada (Madrid), específicamente, detalla el proyecto de visitas al Museo Arqueológico Nacional en el que participan alumnos del instituto y personas mayores de centros del municipio de Coslada. Asimismo, el artículo resume algunos aspectos teóricos que sustentan la premisa de que la selección de contenidos culturalmente relevantes es un elemento básico para favorecer aprendizajes con sentido, y cómo ello requiere a su vez abrir la escuela a la [...]

The Personal Learning Plan: Goal Setting to Be Future Ready

2020-04-22T08:33:14+01:00April 9th, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

In this post, Kathleen McClaskey, author of Make Learning Personal website, explains how teachers can use the student's Learner Profile and Personal Learning Backpack to develop goals an effective Personal Learning Plan (PLP), so each learner can develop agency and gain personal experiences to make decisions for college and career and to be future-ready. The purpose of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is to assist learners to develop goals with a set of action steps to achieve those goals, ways to monitor their own progress, show evidence in reaching the goal and a reflection on achieving it. The PLP has four specific focuses: [...]

The Role of After-School Digital Media Clubs in Closing Participation Gaps and Expanding Social Networks

2020-04-11T15:55:30+01:00April 6th, 2020|Tags: , , |

This article considers how after-school digital media clubs, as an example of informal learning, can provide meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in the creation of interest-driven learning ecologies through media production. Ethnographic research was conducted in two after-school digital media clubs at a large, ethnically diverse, low income public high school over the course of an academic year. The after-school clubs provided students with opportunities to develop digital literacies that could be leveraged for the acquisition of cultural and social capital.  Although participation in the clubs expanded students’ offline social networks, restrictive school policies blocked access to social media and [...]

Webinar: “Educar siglo XXI: Linda Castañeda y Toni Solano”

2020-04-09T22:30:12+01:00April 4th, 2020|Tags: , , , |

Xenon organiza el Webinar “Educar siglo XXI: Linda Castañeda y Toni Solano”, que consiste en una charla sobre tecnología educativa impartida a través de internet. Su interés radica en que en ella presentan dos exponentes importantes de la tecnología educativa en España, como son Linda Castañeda y Toni Solano. La actividad se llevará a cabo el día 14 de abril de 2020, a través de una plataforma que será informada a los participantes inscritos. Podrás encontrar más información sobre el evento en el siguiente link: Más información  

Measuring experiences of interest-related pursuits in connected learning

2020-04-11T15:36:53+01:00April 2nd, 2020|Tags: , , , |

This paper describes an effort to develop a survey instrument capable of measuring important aspects of adolescents’ experiences of interest-related pursuits that are supported by technology. The measure focuses on youths’ experiences of connected learning (Ito et al. in Connected learning: an agenda for research and design. Digital Media and Learning Research Hub, Irvine, 2013), an emerging model of learning across settings supported by digital media. Specifically, the instrument aims to measure the depth with which youth are able to engage in an interest-related pursuit, the level of support and encouragement they receive from peers, and the degree to which their pursuit involves performance [...]

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