
Guía para padres sobre Zoom

2021-02-08T22:11:38+01:00julio 20th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

Este blog detalla las características de Zoom, una aplicación de videoconferencias que muchos docentes están usando para dar clases a través de internet. Zoom ha sido el software de videollamadas usado por muchas empresas desde su lanzamiento en 2013. Aunque sus funciones de colaboración fueron diseñadas para conectar trabajadores en diferentes lugares, estas resultaron muy útiles para el aprendizaje en línea. Pero la compañía ha tenido que dar respuesta a importantes problemas de privacidad y seguridad que se descubrieron durante la pandemia de coronavirus, ahora que 90.000 escuelas en más de 20 países comenzaron a utilizar su servicio prácticamente de la [...]

El camino de Eutopía, la aventura de la transformación educativa

2020-07-02T09:23:07+01:00junio 25th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , |

Transformar la escuela es tomar decisiones valientes y arriesgadas que nos ayuden a avanzar en el camino de nuestras comunidades educativas hacia un “buen lugar”. Esta “utopía realista” es la que impulsó a un grupo de entusiastas educadoras y educadores a bautizar su iniciativa de cambio educativo en red con el nombre de Eutopía, el “buen lugar” de la escuela. La transformación escolar es un viaje hacia un territorio desconocido. Antes de emprenderlo, hay que prepararse para la exploración de nuevos caminos. Los viajeros intercambian con otros, aprenden de ellos, buscan diferentes mapas, eligen las herramientas más adecuadas para enfrentarse a [...]

From Vision to Reality: Personalized, Competency-Based Learning for All Kids

2020-01-31T15:25:28+01:00febrero 5th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

From this page you can download for free this guide designed by Virgel Hammonds and Jesse Moyer. The authors talk about the pillars of personalized learning, which involves putting students in the center and requires attending to four factors: deeper learning, equitable and basic curriculum, considering the learner agency, and the social and emotional skills. It offers recommendations to implement personalized learning with strategies for students, teachers and districts or communities. Download the report

Educator competencies for personalized, learner-centered teaching

2019-12-13T10:22:27+01:00diciembre 30th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , |

The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and Jobs for the Future (JFF) publish Leadership Competencies for Learner-Centered, Personalized Education, a resource that serves as a first step in identifying the knowledge, skills, and dispositions leaders must master in order to build and sustain learner-centered, personalized schools and learning environments. This set of competencies describes and defines what leaders need to know and be able to do in order to create transformative, student centered-learning communities. Learner-centered refers to four specific practices that together show strong evidence of success in preparing students for college, careers and civic life: Personalized learning Competency-based [...]

Continued Progress: Promising Evidence on Personalized Learning

2019-12-13T10:07:08+01:00diciembre 25th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , |

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has engaged RAND to carry out an ongoing study of foundation-funded schools that are employing promising approaches to personalized learning. This research is part of a public commitment the foundation has made to spread effective practices across districts and charter networks, develop innovative roles for teachers, and support implementation of college-ready standards. This is the second report in a series focused on the achievement data, school design characteristics, and teacher and student perceptions of schools implementing personalized learning The concept of personalized learning has been around for some time, but the adoption of personalized learning [...]

Putting students at the center: A reference guide

2019-12-13T09:37:31+01:00diciembre 16th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , |

This Reference Guide is a continuation of an ongoing effort intended to promote, encourage, and guide the implementation of student-centered approaches to learning in ways consistent with what is known about the skills, dispositions, and knowledge that matter for college and career success and civic engagement, and when, how, and where to best develop these Nellie Mae Education Foundation. (2013). Putting students at the center: A reference guide. Quincy, MA: Author. Retrieved from

A Step-by-Step Guide to Personalize Learning

2019-12-10T16:48:25+01:00diciembre 9th, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , |

It is known that every learner is unique and that one-size-fits-all instruction does not work for most. How can a classroom environment be created that gives each learner voice and choice? The co-founders of Personalize Learning, LLC, offer a detailed six-step approach. This article provides the background on what is and what is not Personalized Learning, the Stages of Personalized Learning that impact teacher and learner roles, and the process using the six steps to personalize learning in a Stage One Personalized Learning Environment. Access to the PDF

La reflexió: eix clau de l’Aprenentatge Servei. Guia pràctica

2019-12-03T16:25:45+01:00diciembre 2nd, 2019|Etiquetas: , , , , , |

Aquesta guia representa una eina per potenciar la importància de la reflexió en els projectes d'aprenentatge servei. Aquest recurs educatiu ha estat dissenyat per Marta Ballvé Martró junt al Centre Promotor d'Aprenentatge Servei ( i ofereix algunes pistes sobre quins poden ser els moments del projecte d'aprenentatge servei en què convé crear espais de reflexió, quins són els agents de reflexió, quins lligams es poden establir amb l'avaluació dels projectes, quins recursos permeten potenciar espais de reflexió, entre d'altres. L'aprenentatge servei és una proposta educativa que combina processos d'aprenentatge i de servei a la comunitat en un sol projecte ben articulat [...]

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