
En clave de educación

2020-09-17T13:20:51+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

Mediante la iniciativa, En clave de educación, la Fundación Santillana pretende recoger todas las voces involucradas en el proceso educativo y reflexionar así sobre los cambios y retos a los que nos enfrentamos. Qué es lo que debemos aprender y, en consecuencia, qué es lo que debemos enseñar en la escuela no es una pregunta nueva, ni especialmente disruptiva, pero sí necesaria y cada día más importante. Es la gran pregunta educativa. Y lo es porque, en definitiva, preguntarse sobre el qué aprender (y, por tanto, por qué enseñar) es preguntarse por el sentido (o sin sentido) de la escuela misma. Plantearse qué [...]

Why Giving Learners Choices is an Important Part of Student Engagement

2020-06-30T14:12:10+01:00Tags: , , , |

In this article, Abbie Forbus Everett, director of Teaching and Learning at KnowledgeWorks, explains the relevance of offering students choices as a good first step in order to help classrooms become more student-centered. Often it’s the highest performing students in the school that have the most opportunities for choice. Learners who are disengaged in school are most in need of relevant work and ownership, yet often these students are offered rote, repetitive work without authentic opportunities for choice. As we know, learning is emotional and when we feel connected to the learning, there is increased engagement. Equipping students to have choices in learning increases the chances that learning [...]

¿Mejora el aprendizaje del alumnado mediante el trabajo por proyectos?

2020-06-09T11:20:28+01:00Tags: , , , |

        En este artículo de la Fundació Jaume Bofill, Marc Lafuente, Investigador de la Escuela Politécnica Federal de Lausana y doctor en psicología de la educación, reflexiona en torno al impacto del uso cada vez más extendido del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (ABP). Esta metodología ha ganado popularidad en los últimos años bajo el paraguas de organizaciones internacionales, gobiernos y centros educativos que la ven como una herramienta para mejorar el aprendizaje del alumnado y promover las competencias del siglo XXI mediante la exploración, la creación y la construcción de soluciones a problemas. En el artículo, el autor propone [...]

The blended learning models that can help schools reopen

2020-06-03T14:28:36+01:00Tags: , , , , |

In this article, Thomas Arnett, a senior research fellow in education for the Clayton Christensen Institute, consider two blended learning models: the Enriched Virtual model and the Flipped Classroom model. This models offer a blueprint for how teachers can design instruction to meet the constraints—and even opportunities—of students coming to school in shifts to meet distancing requirements. To illustrate how these proposals work, the author presents some examples of what these types of models look like. Learn more  

Equity Isn’t Just About Technology. It’s About Supporting Students and Families

2020-07-02T09:35:51+01:00Tags: , , , |

By now the coronavirus, and the resulting fallout, has impacted just about every family in one way or another. Students are out of school, unemployment is rising and social distancing could take a psychological toll. But not everyone is equally affected. Research indicates that students from low-income backgrounds could fall further behind their peers if learning stops too long and the country sinks into recession. That makes the conversation about education equity essential. But the term doesn’t just mean equipping students with the same devices and broadband access. Schools also play an important role in boosting at-home learning among families. This post, [...]

El Dosier de aprendizaje, una herramienta al servicio de la personalización

2020-07-06T08:40:44+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

El artículo El Dosier de aprendizaje, una herramienta al servicio de la personalización publicado en el portal EDUforics ofrece una descripción detallada de una práctica de personalización del aprendizaje escolar llevada a cabo en el Instituto Quatre Cantons de Poblenou (Barcelona). En general, las estrategias de personalización del aprendizaje escolar tienen como finalidad ayudar a los alumnos y alumnas a atribuir valor y sentido personal a lo que aprenden en las escuelas e institutos y a las tareas y actividades que en ellas llevan a cabo para aprender. Concretamente, una de las estrategias más eficaces de personalización del aprendizaje es la previsión de tiempos, [...]

How Teachers Can Support PBL at Home

2020-07-02T11:00:51+01:00Tags: , , , , |

John Larmer, Editor in Chief, Buck Institute for Education U.S., offers tips and projects that teachers can share with parents and caregivers to guide children in any grade through project-based learning—with or without technology. In this post, you can find many resources and interesting links to projects and experiences. Content of this article: CLARIFY (AND LOWER) EXPECTATIONS EXPLAIN THE BENEFITS OF DOING PBL AT HOME EXPLAIN HOW TO SUPPORT THEIR CHILDREN SUGGEST IDEAS FOR PROJECTS THEY CAN DO AT HOME Learn more

Conectar con el entorno. Promover aprendizajes culturalmente relevantes desde el Aprendizaje-Servicio

2020-04-13T08:03:33+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

El artículo Conectar con el entorno. Promover aprendizajes culturalmente relevantes desde el Aprendizaje-Servicio publicado en el portal EDUforics presenta una experiencia de Aprendizaje y Servicio Solidario (APS) realizada en el Instituto de Educación Secundaria Miguel Catalán de Coslada (Madrid), específicamente, detalla el proyecto de visitas al Museo Arqueológico Nacional en el que participan alumnos del instituto y personas mayores de centros del municipio de Coslada. Asimismo, el artículo resume algunos aspectos teóricos que sustentan la premisa de que la selección de contenidos culturalmente relevantes es un elemento básico para favorecer aprendizajes con sentido, y cómo ello requiere a su vez abrir la escuela a la [...]

The Personal Learning Plan: Goal Setting to Be Future Ready

2020-04-22T08:33:07+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

In this post, Kathleen McClaskey, author of Make Learning Personal website, explains how teachers can use the student's Learner Profile and Personal Learning Backpack to develop goals an effective Personal Learning Plan (PLP), so each learner can develop agency and gain personal experiences to make decisions for college and career and to be future-ready. The purpose of a Personal Learning Plan (PLP) is to assist learners to develop goals with a set of action steps to achieve those goals, ways to monitor their own progress, show evidence in reaching the goal and a reflection on achieving it. The PLP has four specific focuses: [...]

The Role of After-School Digital Media Clubs in Closing Participation Gaps and Expanding Social Networks

2020-04-11T15:55:24+01:00Tags: , , |

This article considers how after-school digital media clubs, as an example of informal learning, can provide meaningful opportunities for youth to participate in the creation of interest-driven learning ecologies through media production. Ethnographic research was conducted in two after-school digital media clubs at a large, ethnically diverse, low income public high school over the course of an academic year. The after-school clubs provided students with opportunities to develop digital literacies that could be leveraged for the acquisition of cultural and social capital.  Although participation in the clubs expanded students’ offline social networks, restrictive school policies blocked access to social media and [...]

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