
Defining personalized learning

2021-02-08T23:18:20+01:00Tags: , , |

  In the past if you’d seen one definition of personalized learning, you’d seen… well… one definition of personalized learning. While this is a common occurrence in the early stages of disruptive innovation in any field, the lack of a consistent definition and language for a relatively complex idea has hampered both understanding and effective implementation. This website presents some definitions of personalized learning that have been put forward recently, by organizations, motivated to resolve field confusion. Even there are subtle differences, across these definitions the similarities emerge. Learn more


2019-09-25T14:34:05+01:00Tags: , , , , , , | El proyecto Edu-Makers lleva desarrollándose en el IES Vegas Bajas de Montijo desde 2014 y el objetivo inicial del proyecto fue atender a la demanda tecnológicas de familiares y alumnos del centro. Esta iniciativa busca transmitir nociones básicas de programación, robótica, impresión 3D, realidad virtual, drones y todo aquello relacionado con las tecnologías. Tiene un carácter voluntario y es extensible a todo el alumnado del centro desarrollándose esta actividad durante las horas de recreo. Un aspecto especialmente relevante de Edu-makers es que conecta los intereses de los alumnos con la potencialidad que ofrece la tecnología. Fruto esta interacción han resultado actividades [...]

Early Progress

2019-09-25T14:33:28+01:00Tags: , , , | The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to identify strengths, and refine promising personalized learning practices; determine which are most effective; and encourage innovative educators and other leaders to spread the most successful practices to other classrooms, schools, and districts. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as new models, approaches, and supporting technologies emerge. Still, many of the early adopting schools appear to be implementing similar practices. These include a focus on learner profiles that enable each student to be known well; the development of personalized learning plans for students; progress based on demonstrated knowledge and skills, rather [...]

Continued Progress

2019-09-25T14:32:31+01:00Tags: , , , | The achievement findings in this report focus on 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices. All of the schools received funding from the Gates Foundation, either directly or through intermediary organizations, to implement personalized learning practices as part of at least one of the following three foundation-supported initiatives: Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC), Charter School Growth Fund’s Next Generation School Investments, and the Gates Foundation’s Personalized Learning Pilots. Each of the schools was selected to participate in these initiatives through a competitive process, which included a rigorous evaluation of its leadership team [...]

Libro: Teens, media and collaborative cultures. Exploiting teens’ transmedia skills in the classroom

2019-09-16T15:16:27+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Acceso al PDF El libro, publicado en 2018, presenta parte de los resultados del proyecto “Transmedia Literacy” que ha involucrado más de 50 investigadores de 10 universidades en 8 países del mundo. Las preguntas que guiaron la investigación fueron: ¿qué están haciendo los adolescentes con los medios? y ¿cómo aprendieron a hacer esas cosas?. Transmedia Literacy se focaliza en lo que los jóvenes hacen con los medios y los considera productores y consumidores, personas potencialmente capaces de generar y compartir contenidos de diferentes tipos y niveles de complejidad. En la primera parte del libro se hace un resumen de los principales resultados [...]

Los factores de la exclusión educativa en España: Mecanismos, perfiles y espacios de intervención

2019-09-02T10:52:21+01:00Tags: , , , , , | La finalidad de este informe es realizar un análisis sistemático de los factores de exclusión educativa en España, poniendo el foco sobre todo en aquellos que operan durante la educación secundaria obligatoria. Aunque algunos de los procesos de exclusión educativa puedan encontrar su origen en dinámicas propias de la educación primaria, no obstante, es durante la transición a la secundaria y en el propio transcurso de la ESO donde se fraguan los procesos de desenganche, desvinculación, fracaso y abandono. La intención del informe es poner de manifiesto la existencia de aspectos relacionales, sociales, culturales y políticos que subyacen a las [...]

El potencial dels ecosistemes locals d’aprenentatge: transformant la forma en què es produeix l’aprenentatge

2019-09-02T10:47:19+01:00Tags: , , , | Els ecositemes locals d’aprenentatge tenen tot el potencial per a transformar la forma en què es produeix l’aprenentatge. L'informe que aquí es presenta proposa algunes caracteristiques fundamentals: objectius nous i més ambiciosos, noves competències, rols i expertesa, el repte de l’equitat, nou agents educatius i noves relacions de poder, canvi de forma i noves mètriques. L’informe a més mostra un estudi que inclose 9 models que impulsen aquests ecosistemes. Entre ells es troba Educació 360, iniciativa que contribueix a generar aquests ecosistemes. Descriu alguns dels projectes pilots municipals, impulsats els darrers anys i el suport que està obtenint dels governs [...]

District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning

2019-09-02T09:55:45+01:00Tags: , , | District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning is a guide that addresses an important step in implementing personalized education. It identifies the conditions for scale that exist at a district level. This guide focuses on scaling personalized learning—broadly speaking—is stuck in the school pilot phase. There are countless examples of personalized learning environments, models, and schools from coast to coast. This guide also It pays close attention to the district level because it is nearest to the schools and thus the students as well as to the educators. Moreover, the district level has the most control over system vision, curriculum, [...]

A State Policy Framework for Scaling Personalized Learning

2019-09-02T09:52:29+01:00Tags: , , , | District Conditions for Scale: A Practical Guide to Scaling Personalized Learning. It’s a framework that guides states and districts in working together to generate flexibility to support scaling personalized learning. This guide was developed with insight and feedback from school districts, state education agencies, policymakers and education organizations that are focused on scaling personalized learning across districts. Using this policy framework, state and districts can be empowered to overcome barriers of a system that was designed for a time that has long since passed.

The Shifting Paradigm of Teaching: Personalized Learning According to Teachers

2019-09-02T09:47:55+01:00Tags: , , , , | Nowadays the world is markedly influenced by technology. Faced with this, it is possible that educators are no longer the only bearers of knowledge. Indeed, they are more important than ever, as they must prepare students for a workforce that is constantly changing. “The Shifting Paradigm of Teaching: Personalized Learning According to Teachers” is about what features or circumstances are promoted for teachers to create personalized learning environments in the classroom. Derived from interviews with teachers and principals, they claim how vision, culture, and transparency have affected the implementation of personalized learning. To them, teachers’ knowledge is aligned to 10 [...]

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