
Beyond Learning-As-Usual, Connected Learning Among Open Learners

2020-03-18T09:03:23+01:00Tags: , , , |

This is a report published by Lindsey “Luka” Carfagna. Is part of a series on connected learning that was made posible by grants from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation in connection with its grant making initiative on Digital Media and Learning. Open learning has emerged within the public imagination as a potentially disruptive force in higher education. It has attracted the attention of policy makers, venture capitalists and the technology sector, key functionaries in higher education, teachers, students, activists, progressives, futurists, and researchers. Despite the amount of attention it has received in popular media, there has been very little research on open [...]

La “rueda de preguntas interesantes”. El trabajo a partir de y con los intereses del alumnado

2021-03-23T23:03:50+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

El artículo “La ‘rueda de preguntas interesantes’. El trabajo a partir de y con los intereses del alumnado” publicado en el portal EDUforics se centra en las prácticas de personalización del aprendizaje orientadas a explorar, incluir y desarrollar los intereses del alumnado en los centros escolares. En la primera parte del artículo, se presenta una conceptualización de los intereses y se muestran diferentes maneras de abordar la identificación, valoración, reflexión, construcción y re-construcción de los intereses de aprendizaje del alumnado en la escuela. En la segunda, se describe una práctica educativa que ilustra este trabajo con y a partir de los [...]

Learning a sense-maker’s guide

2020-03-16T20:52:08+01:00Tags: , , , |

Learning: a sense-maker’s guide is a timely book and an essential contribution to the debate about teaching and learning, published by Chris Watkins in USA. As the title suggests, this book is not merely about making sense of learning. Importantly, it aims to help the reader to make critical sense of the plethora of new ideas about learning and to use what is available selectively and intelligently. It is a key part of Teaching to Learn campaign which aims to put learning at the center of the education policy agenda. Although written with practicing teachers and lecturers in mind, Learning: a [...]

The common sense census: inside the 21st-century classroom

2021-02-08T22:28:33+01:00Tags: , , , |

Technology has become an integral part of classroom learning, and students of all ages have access to digital media and devices at school. The Common Sense Census: Inside the 21st-Century Classroom is a report that explores how K–12 educators have adapted to these critical shifts in schools and society. From the benefits of teaching lifelong digital citizenship skills to the challenges of preparing students to critically evaluate online information, educators across the country share their perspectives on what it's like to teach in today's fast-changing digital world. Reference Vega, V., & Robb, M. B. (2019). The Common Sense census: Inside the [...]

Personalizing learning. What, How and Examples

2020-03-06T09:02:09+01:00Tags: , , , |

Mia MacMeekin and Epigogy INC answer some questions about how to personalize learning. They want to answer the question about how can curriculum design address personalized learning. They shows different aspects about how can students learn, what, when, where and why, offering different activities and options to achieve that. Moreover, they include the keys about how to do that in relation to the curriculum: creating one that includes lots of ways to learn the same content, with different levels to allow learners to go deeper at their own pace, that can be consumed at anytime and anywhere, and with lots of [...]

Presentació: Què és un Centre Educatiu amb mirada 360? Eixos principals

2021-02-08T22:32:45+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Aquesta presentació en format powerpoint realitzada per Mireia Mas, cap de projectes a la Fundació Jaume Bofill, explica què és un Centre Educatiu amb mirada 360. Aquest document s'emmarca dins la proposta Educació 360, que és una iniciativa educativa, social i política que entén la comunitat i el municipi com un ecosistema educatiu local, capaç de connectar els aprenentatges que és produeixen en tots els temps i espais de la vida de les persones. Aquest plantejament vincula l'escola, les famílies i tots els agents i recursos de la comunitat, vetllant per garantir l'equitat i la igualtat d'oportunitats. Descàrrega el PDF  

Learning across boundaries: how parents and teachers are bridging children’s interests

2021-02-08T23:51:35+01:00Tags: , , , |

This report presents findings from separate surveys of 1,550 U.S. parents and 600 pre-K–8 teachers on whether, to what extent, and how U.S. children ages 3–12 are linking their learning experiences across home, school, and community settings. The inquiry paid particular attention to the ways in which caregivers and teachers support and, in some cases, impede the development of young children’s interests and the learning associated with pursuing these interests. Focusing on differences across demographics, the developed environment, and socio-economic status while taking an equity perspective, findings highlight areas of weakness and strength in this ecosystem of connected learning, suggesting what [...]

Connected Learning: Reflections on a Decade of Engaged Scholarship

2021-02-08T22:41:58+01:00Tags: , , , , |

This report presents a vision for understanding and revitalizing the ways in which we support learning during these changing times. Responding to the interests and needs of young people, researchers, educational practitioners, and policy and technology makers, this report synthesizes a varied set of content and perspectives: empirical research on the changing landscape of new media and learning, design principles, evaluation approaches, learner and case studies oriented to identifying and spreading positive innovations. The authors were part of the Connected Learning Research Network (CLRN), an interdisciplinary group of scholars, designers, and educational practitioners, who collaborated between 2011 and 2019 to study [...]

In their own words: what bothers children online? with the EU Kids Online Network

2021-02-08T23:53:14+01:00Tags: , , , |

Nearly 10,000 children told these authors in this report about what upsets them and their friends online. Their responses were diverse, revealing a long list of concerns. Pornography (named by 22% of children who told us of risks) and violent content (18%) top children’s online concerns. Overall, boys appear more bothered by violence than girls, while girls are more concerned with contact-related risks. Violence receives less public attention than sexual material, but many children are concerned about violent, aggressive or gory online content. As children told them, video-sharing websites are often associated with violent and pornographic content, along with a range [...]

GLOBAL KIDS ONLINE: CHILE / Chilean children’s internet use and online activities

2021-02-08T22:54:09+01:00Tags: , , , |

The aims of this study were to: (a) adapt the Global Kids Online survey to be applied in the Chilean context; and (b) to gather data from a representative sample related to the access, uses, skills and risks of young internet users in Chile. About findings, first, in relation to access, results show that 84.5% of households with child internet (9 to 17 years-old) users have a connection at home, which is higher than the home access of all Chilean households (76%) (SUBTEL, 2016). However, there are differences by socioeconomic group (SEG) regarding the availability and type of connection. Second, regarding [...]

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