
A design-based implementation study of a preschool Spanish/English multi-tiered language curriculum

2024-12-27T14:51:25+01:00December 27th, 2024|Tags: , |

Implementation considerations should be integrated into the development of educational innovations. This design-based implementation research (DBIR) aimed to identify components needing revision, assess the feasibility of a video manual, and document barriers to implementing a multi-tiered dual-language curriculum. Six teachers implemented the curriculum and gave feedback through interviews. While four found the intervention feasible, two felt multi-tiered instruction conflicted with their beliefs. Teacher feedback, along with student outcomes, led to curriculum revisions and additional support materials. The findings highlight system-level barriers that affect the sustainability of multi-tiered instruction in early childhood settings.   Spencer, T. D., Moran, M. K., Petersen, D. [...]

Article: Managing e-learning metadata within ToolboX.Academy: knowledge acquisition with Big Data algorithms at the student and group levels

2024-12-21T14:45:15+01:00December 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

E-learning not only provides new ways to access knowledge and transforms teaching both in school and at home, but also helps uncover insights about students' skills, competencies, attitudes, and potential disorders. By using AI-based big data and statistical methods, educators and administrators gain valuable information. Metadata generated from student interactions with applications, when properly analyzed, offers insights into cognitive processes. For example, learning curves can indicate ADHD or giftedness, while recurring errors may reveal dyslexia or dyscalculia. Additionally, specialized tasks can detect disorders like color blindness. This data can also highlight gaps in teaching, particularly in STEM subjects. This paper discusses [...]

Entendiendo cómo y por qué los estudiantes utilizan sitios web de intercambio de archivos académicos y de ayuda para los deberes: implicaciones para la integridad académica

2024-07-18T11:53:06+01:00July 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , , , |

Este estudio analiza los recursos web que los estudiantes universitarios utilizan para cumplir con las exigencias, tareas y evaluaciones de sus programas de formación. Estos recursos incluyen bibliotecas digitales, bases de datos académicas, foros en línea, servicios de tutoría virtual y plataformas de intercambio de conocimientos. El uso de estos recursos externos tiene implicancias significativas para la integridad académica, ya que pueden facilitar el plagio y otras formas de deshonestidad académica. Las instituciones de educación superior (IES) enfrentan el desafío de establecer lineamientos claros sobre el uso ético de estos recursos para asegurar la autenticidad y originalidad del trabajo de los [...]

Leveraging ChatGPT: Practical Ideas for Educators

2023-04-15T22:51:38+01:00April 15th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |

Cohen, Z. (2023, 24 enero) El professor Zac Cohen, de la escuela secundaria Francis Parker School de Louisville (EEUU) plantea 4 formas  posibles de utilizar el chatbot avanzado “ChatGPT”, que se lanzó en noviembre del 2022 por la compañía OpenAI, y que puede comprender, responder y conversar con los usuarios de la plataforma de manera similar a los humanos (puede responder cuestiones, contar historias y seguir conversaciones). Plantea la necesidad de enseñar al alumnado a utilizar herramientas como el ChatGP con propósitos académicos. En su instituto han probado 4 formas de incorporar el ChatGPT en el aula a partir de clases que [...]

ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education

2023-04-10T22:52:23+01:00April 10th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Tlili, A., Shehata, B., Adarkwah, M. A., Bozkurt, A., Hickey, D. T., Huang, R., & Agyemang, B. (2023). What if the devil is my guardian angel: ChatGPT as a case study of using chatbots in education. Smart Learning Environments, 10(1), 15   Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies have been progressing constantly and being more visible in different aspects of our lives. One recent phenomenon is ChatGPT, a chatbot with a conversational artificial intelligence interface that was developed by OpenAI. As one of the most advanced artificial intelligence applications, ChatGPT has drawn much public attention across the globe. In this regard, this study examines ChatGPT [...]

Improved Student Engagement in Higher Education’s Next Normal

2023-04-10T22:57:24+01:00February 27th, 2023|Tags: , , , , |

Ed Glantz, Chris Gamrat, Lisa Lenze and Jeffrey Bardzell Education in times of pandemic transformed rapidly, and many teachers quickly innovated with technology-based teaching methods. The article asks if any of these innovations and adaptations should be maintained to form the "next normal" in higher education. The authors suggest five teaching enhancements as possible candidates for continued acceptance. All of these pandemic-introduced adaptations improve student engagement. The first four enhance student engagement during class, whereas the fifth offers engagement opportunities outside of class. They believe the following five initiatives, introduced during the COVID-19 pandemic, should become part of that best practice. Collaborative Technologies for [...]

Artículo: Connecting student interests and questions with science learning goals through project-based storylines

2023-01-18T17:29:58+01:00January 18th, 2023|Tags: , , , , , |

Este artículo describe una manera concreta de utilizar la estrategia del aprendizaje basado en proyectos (storylines,) para potenciar el aprendizaje de las ciencias de estudiantes de bachillerato.   Resumen: In this conceptual paper, we describe the approach in storylines that builds on principles of project-based learning and focuses on supports for making science learning coherent from the students’ perspective. In storylines, students see their science work as addressing questions and problems their class has identified. We present design principles that guide the teaching and enactment of storyline units and explore the connections of these principles to ideas of project-based science. We [...]

Artículo: Invoking student resources in whole-class conversations in science education: A sociocultural perspective

2022-12-28T17:20:12+01:00December 28th, 2022|Tags: , , , , , , |

El siguiente artículo aborda de qué manera la introducción de los recursos de los estudiantes (experiencias e ideas cotidianas) al diálogo de la clase pueden convertirse en un medio para apoyar el aprendizaje. Resumen Background: While much literature has argued for the value of carefully designed instructional units building on student resources, less work details how students’ own invocation of experiences and ideas from their everyday lives plays out in naturalistic classroom dialogues. Employing a sociocultural and interactional approach, this article illuminates how student resources become mediational means in ways that support learning. Methods: The empirical basis constitutes whole-class conversations involving [...]

Artículo: Weaving together the past, present and future in whole class conversations: analyzing the emergence of a hybrid educational chronotope connecting everyday experiences and school science

2022-12-21T17:18:41+01:00December 21st, 2022|Tags: , , , , |

El presente artículo examina en el impacto que tiene el relato de historias de relevancia personal en la implicación que presenta el alumnado hacia el aprendizaje de ciencias.   Resumen: In sociocultural research, many scholars have studied the relationship between students’ everyday lives outside of school and classroom learning. This article contributes to this area by focusing explicitly on the timespace dimensions of meaning making in science education. We draw on Bakhtin’s notion of the chronotope to examine how students can become engaged in science learning through telling stories of personal relevance. We analyze an especially interesting example of a whole-class [...]

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