Article: Managing e-learning metadata within ToolboX.Academy: knowledge acquisition with Big Data algorithms at the student and group levels

2024-12-21T14:45:15+01:00December 21st, 2024|Tags: , , |

E-learning not only provides new ways to access knowledge and transforms teaching both in school and at home, but also helps uncover insights about students' skills, competencies, attitudes, and potential disorders. By using AI-based big data and statistical methods, educators and administrators gain valuable information. Metadata generated from student interactions with applications, when properly analyzed, offers insights into cognitive processes. For example, learning curves can indicate ADHD or giftedness, while recurring errors may reveal dyslexia or dyscalculia. Additionally, specialized tasks can detect disorders like color blindness. This data can also highlight gaps in teaching, particularly in STEM subjects. This paper discusses [...]