calidad educativa

A design-based implementation study of a preschool Spanish/English multi-tiered language curriculum

2024-12-27T14:51:25+01:00December 27th, 2024|Tags: , |

Implementation considerations should be integrated into the development of educational innovations. This design-based implementation research (DBIR) aimed to identify components needing revision, assess the feasibility of a video manual, and document barriers to implementing a multi-tiered dual-language curriculum. Six teachers implemented the curriculum and gave feedback through interviews. While four found the intervention feasible, two felt multi-tiered instruction conflicted with their beliefs. Teacher feedback, along with student outcomes, led to curriculum revisions and additional support materials. The findings highlight system-level barriers that affect the sustainability of multi-tiered instruction in early childhood settings.   Spencer, T. D., Moran, M. K., Petersen, D. [...]

Anuari 2022. Els reptes de l’educació a Catalunya

2024-04-30T11:27:53+01:00April 30th, 2024|Tags: , , , , , |

Tarabini, A. (Dir.). Anuari 2022. Els reptes de l’educació a Catalunya. Fundació Jaume Bofill.   L’Anuari 2022, dirigit per Aina Tarabini, aborda alguns dels reptes prioritaris del sistema educatiu català per garantir l’èxit educatiu per a tothom. S’organitza en 11 capítols i unes conclusions que presenten un diagnòstic acurat de l’estat de l’educació a Catalunya i que identi­fiquen un seguit de propostes i palanques de canvi per seguir avan­çant en una agenda sòlida de transformació educativa.

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