
Enhancing social inclusion through innovative mobile learning in Uruguay: case study by the UNESCO-Fazheng project on best practices in mobile learning

2019-11-14T18:32:18+01:00Tags: , , | For more than a decade Plan Ceibal, which began in 2007, has installed, maintained and expanded a computer infrastructure that reaches all elementary and middle public schools, and ensures access to laptops, digital contents and resources, platforms, educational programs, training and support for both students and teachers, as well as internet connectivity for all classrooms countrywide. However, Ceibal faces the important challenge of responding to the changing needs of improving education, training educators and ensuring digital inclusion of the population, which in the present are not necessarily addressed by the sole availability of digital devices. This report describes and summarizes [...]

Cultural Praxis

2019-06-27T12:59:50+01:00Tags: , , |

This website contains supplemental material to Mind, Culture, and Activity, an international journal that examines the relationships between the human mind, the sociocultural environments they inhabit, and the way that mind and culture are constituted in a wide variety of human activities.

Experiencias educativas transformadoras

2019-07-01T07:08:05+01:00Tags: , , , |

Este sitio web presenta un repositorio de experiencias educativas innovadoras como guía e inspiración para otros docentes y profesionales de la educación. Las experiencias didácticas están vinculadas a proyectos de diferentes ámbitos educativos y el uso de la tecnología. Además, han sido puestas en práctica por un período de tiempo significativo en el entorno educativo donde se han aplicado. Estos proyectos han sido realizados por docentes que buscan mejorar sus prácticas, los cuales han tenido un efecto transformador sobre las mismas. Lo que se busca eventualmente es crear una biblioteca de experiencias y ponerla a disposición de cualquier docente, así como [...]

Com implicar l’alumnat en els seus aprenentatges?

2019-07-01T07:09:48+01:00Tags: , , |

Videoconferència on diferents ponents reflexionen sobre la temàtica "Com implicar l'Alumnat a els Seus aprenentatges?" en format vídeo. Aborden el tema de la necessitat de indentificar quines estratègies poden desenvolupar els entorns educatius per esdevenir motors de motivació, de quins canvis cal introduir en la relació ensenyament-aprenentatge; o de com es vinculen motivació i interessos individuals amb rendiment acadèmic i com es poden capitalitzar els aprenentatges adquirits fora de l'escola. Per veure el vídeo fes click aquí: LINK

What happens when students own their learning?

2019-07-01T07:12:05+01:00Tags: , , , |

A.J. Juliani is the Director of Learning and Innovation for a public school district and the author of books centered around student-agency, choice, inquiry, and engagement. In his blog, he talks about how Project- based learning helps the students by giving them choice and ownership of their learning experience. He defends the student-centered learning model, which is a learning model that places the student (learner) in the center of the learning process: they are active participants, and they learn at their own pace and use their own strategies. In this post of his blog, he shares a project he did with his students about [...]

How personalized learning can benefit students

2019-07-01T07:13:30+01:00Tags: , , , |

The infographic, How Personalized Learning Can Benefit Students, shows how the personalized learning model boosts engagement, achievement, and helps both students and teachers optimize their educational efforts for greater success. It shows different areas that become affected by this perspective of how students learn: the model of learning, the roles of both students and teachers, the instructional sources and materials, the curriculum, the student’s natural pace and the evaluation.   To see this resource, please visit: LINK



The UDL Guidelines are a tool used in the implementation of Universal Design for Learning, a framework to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on scientific insights into how humans learn. It is run by CAST, which is a nonprofit education research and development organization that works to expand learning opportunities for all individuals through Universal Design for Learning. These guidelines offer a set of concrete suggestions that can be applied to any discipline or domain to ensure that all learners can access and participate in meaningful, challenging learning opportunities.

Universal Design for Learning UDL Guidelines

2019-07-01T07:02:35+01:00Tags: , , , , |

Página web creada desde el proyecto de investigación DUALETIC para la difusión del Diseño Universal de Aprendizaje (DUA). El DUA se basa en tres principios: proveer al alumnado de distintos medios de representación, múltiples medios de acción y diferentes formas de implicación para dotar de sentido los aprendizajes. El proyecto DUALETIC tiene como objeto estudiar la eficacia de la aplicación de los principios del DUA en los contextos escolares y de la utilización de materiales didácticos digitales accesibles, analizar las implicaciones que ello supone en los procesos de adquisición y mejora de la lectoescritura en Educación Primaria, así como definir elementos [...]

Brokering Youth Pathways

2019-07-01T07:04:36+01:00Tags: , , |

Brokering Youth Pathways was created to share tools and techniques around the youth development practice of “brokering” or connecting youthto future learning opportunities and resources. This toolkit shares ways in which various out-of-school educators and professionals have approached the challenge of brokering. We provide a framework, practice briefs and reports that focus on particular issue or challenge and provide concrete examples, as well as illustrate how our partners worked through designing new brokering routines in partnership with our research team. For more info, please visit their website: LINK

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