
Formació “Teacher Track YoMo 2020”

2020-02-03T10:32:08+01:00February 3rd, 2020|Tags: , , , , , |

El Departament d’Educació i el YoMo organitzen el programa d’activitats Teacher Track adreçat a docents i a l’alumnat de màster i de grau de Ciències de l'Educació. El programa presenta conferències i xerrades des d’una perspectiva global i també una sèrie de tallers pràctics sobre les últimes innovacions tecnològiques: des de Scrtatch fins a la impressió en 3D. Dies: dimarts 25, dimecres 26 i dijous 27 de febrer de 2020 Hora: de 15h a 20h Lloc: Farga de l’Hospitalet. Per a docents locals, la participació a YoMo i al Teacher Track és una activitat reconeguda i inclosa en el Pla de Formació Permanent del Departament d’Educació. El programa d’activitats el podeu [...]

2nd International Forum For Communication Media, Social Science and Education Research (CSER-MAY-2019)

2019-05-13T14:54:31+01:00May 13th, 2019|Tags: , , |

The Charles Institute of European Studies (CIES) is a prestigious platform to create an ideal networking opportunity for the scholars from various fields of study. The institute has prepared an International Forum for Communication Media, Social Science and Education Research, which aims to allow researchers to build up an academic network and to contribute to their fields by advancing their knowledge. Conference Date: May 18-19, 2019 Conference Venue:Salles Hotel Pere iv Carrer De Pallars, 128-130, 08018 Barcelona Spain Submission Email:   More information

4th Annual Workshop on Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS)

2019-05-13T14:47:44+01:00May 13th, 2019|Tags: , , |

This year, the 4th annual workshop on Developing Activity Theory in Information Studies (DATIS) will be placed at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden. Date: June 11th 2019 Place: Stockholm, Sweden. The purpose of the workshop is to continue to provide a forum for information systems and information management scholars using activity theory. Over the last two decades the use of activity theory has developed within the field of information systems, as well as related fields such as Human Computer Interaction, information studies, organisation studies and communications. Building on this interest the aim of the workshop is threefold: Strengthen and build [...]

IV Jornada Itscool, generacions de futur per a les TIC

2019-05-14T14:19:46+01:00May 7th, 2019|Tags: , , |

School to Business és el títol de la IV Jornada Itscool, generacions de futur per a les TIC, per reflexionar en les relacions entre empreses i escoles i, específicament, en les necessitats compartides en l’àmbit TIC. L'objectiu de la jornada és: Saber les darreres dades d'inserció laboral d'estudiants TIC. Observar les necessitats compartides de les empreses i dels centres educatius en l’'àmbit TIC. Descobrir la important oferta laboral de professionals TIC a tots els sectors. Conèixer la feina diària dels professionals TIC a les empreses. Divulgar les experiències de les empreses per augmentar les vocacions TIC. Hora: 16 - 19:30h. Lloc: [...]


2019-04-24T09:55:21+01:00April 24th, 2019|Tags: , , , , , |

La Universidad de Alicante organiza las XVII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria (REDES 2019) y el III Workshop Internacional de Innovación en Enseñanza Superior y TIC (INNOVAESTIC 2019). Ambas instancias se realizarán de forma conjunta y tienen por objetivo que docentes y profesionales que se encuentren vinculados a la enseñanza de educación superior puedan intercambiar experiencias e investigaciones con el fin de aportar a la calidad educativa en este nivel. Fecha: 6 y 7 de Junio de 2019 Lugar: Universidad de Alicante Los principales temas que se trabajarán en la presente serán: resultados de investigación sobre docencia en [...]

Personalized Learning Summit 2019: Building Networks, Transforming Education

2019-04-11T11:27:15+01:00April 11th, 2019|Tags: , , , |

The Personalized Learning Summit is a two+ day in-person event full of professional development opportunities, dynamic and engaging sessions, networking events, inspiring and insightful keynotes, and tours of the some of the most innovative companies in Atlanta, GA. The 5th Annual Personalized Learning Summit will bring together 750 innovative district leaders on May 14-16, 2019. These leaders represent districts at every stage of their personalized learning journey, from those who pioneered personalized learning to those just getting started, so that everyone can learn from one another, as well as from experts in the field. More info

Personalized Learning Workshop

2019-04-11T11:28:03+01:00April 3rd, 2019|Tags: , , , |

Personalized Learning redefines a teacher’s role and expands on what everyday teaching in the classroom is geared towards. Different instructional approaches are used that are intended to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations or cultural backgrounds of individual students. In this workshop, participants will discuss some orientations about personalization at school. More info  

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