
Personalización y tecnología


“The introduction of individual devices into the learning equation demands that everyone involved in education rethink what it means to teach and to learn, placing more control and responsibility into learners’ hands.” ― Peggy Grant   Grant, P. & Basye, D. (2014). Personalized Learning: A Guide to Engaging Students with Technology. USA: International Society for Technology in Education

Confucio para el siglo XXI


El que aprende pero no piensa está perdido. El que piensa pero no aprende está en gran peligro. -Confucio. Extraído de: https://www.elciudadano.cl/educacion/quien-fue-confucio-conocelo-por-su-pensamiento/09/28/

En cuestiones de cultura y saber…


En cuestiones de cultura y saber, solo se pierde lo que se guarda; solo se gana lo que se da. Antonio Machado, 1937, “Sobre la defensa y la difusión de la cultura”, Discurso pronunciado en Valencia en la sesión de clausura del Congreso Internacional de Escritores de 1937

Education is more than schooling


“Education is more than schooling” – this slogan clearly shows that educational biographies of children and teenagers have become increasingly pluralized and individualized. Above all, if taking a closer look, these biographies must be carefully differentiated regarding gender, social class, migration, religion, disabilities and so on”.   Festeu, D., & Humberstone, B. (eds.) (2006). Non-formal Education through Outdoor Activities Guide. Buckinghamshire: European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning.  

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