
About Iris Merino

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So far Iris Merino has created 703 blog entries.

Los intereses como estado psicológico y variable motivacional


“As a psychological state, interest is characterized by increased attention, effort, concentration, and affect during engagement. As a motivational variable, the term makes a distinction between shorter-term or situational interest and longer-term or individual interest, which is characterized by reengagement over time”. Renninger, A., & Hidi, S. E. (2016). The power of interest for motivation and engagement. New York and London: Taylor & Francis Group.

we don’t learn from each other


“We used to say it takes a village to raise a child and now we are so busy protecting the child from the village that we don’t harness the wisdom of the elders and we don’t learn from each other to build the cultural supports that kids need.” Henry Jenkins, Professor of Communication, Journalism, Cinematic Arts and Education at the University of Southern California, Connected Learning Summit, 2019

Tendencia a simplificar todo en datos


“Hay una fuerte tendencia a simplificar todo en datos. Un niño que saca un cuatro no sabe la mitad que un niño que saca un ocho”. Adell, J. (2017, enero 5). Entrevista con Carolina Blázquez.

Powerful learners are reflective


"They are able to step back and take stock of progress. They are able to mull over their actions and consider how they might have done things differently. Good learners are self-aware, able to contemplate their actions to continually 'grow their learning power." Guy Claxton, “What’s the Point of School?”

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