comunidad de aprendizaje

Learning Communities Can Save Colleges—and Engage Remote Students

2020-07-02T08:37:28+01:00julio 6th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

In this article, Senegal Alfred Mabry, a senior policy analyst at the Hunt Institute, offers a reflection about how colleges plan to welcome students back for the fall semester—while preparing for a possible second outbreak of the coronavirus that would force classes back online–one thing is for sure: Community is more important than ever. Colleges don’t need new platforms or technology to build community or welcome students. They need to invest in infrastructure that builds relationships. Learning communities—where students work together with a common goal, purpose, or interest—are colleges’ best tool to make online learning hands-on learning. College administrators can make the transition to online [...]

What is a Personal Learning Network?

2020-07-02T11:19:36+01:00abril 27th, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , , |

In the video below, Marc-André Lalande offers a concise, useful definition that simplifies the idea from hashtags and movements and social engagement and badges and, well, all the buzzwords you hear, into a clear explanation that works not just within education, but any field. “A Personal Learning Network -PLN is a way of describing the group of people that you connect with to learn their ideas, their questions, their reflections, and their references. Your PLN is not limited to online interactions, but it is that online, global interactive part that really makes it special. It is personal because you choose who’s part [...]

Evento: #EdcampOnline

2020-05-05T10:43:50+01:00abril 22nd, 2020|Etiquetas: , , , |

  Dissabte, la Fundació Bonfil vaig celebrar el primer #EdcampOnline, un nou format Edcamp que manté l'essència i els principis i que se vaig organitzar i celebrar de forma online a través de videoconferències simultànies. En aquesta ocasió, el marc temàtic de l'Edcamp Online vaig girar entorn a "l'educació en temps de coronavirus". Un tema concret, actual i necessari però alhora obert i ampli que permetrà a tots els participants aportar les seves experteses, experiències, recursos, reptes i tot allò que creguin que pot ajudar a la comunitat educativa. La activitat se vaig llevara a cabo avui 25 d'abril al matí [...]

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