Discussion Panel 1. Take into consideration the students´ interests and learning objectives

The focus of this discussion panel is the consideration of the students´ interests and learning objectives in the planning and organization of school practices and in the development of school teaching and learning activities. Students attribute a greater sense and personal value to school learning when it responds to their interests and learning objectives. Considering the interests of students implies, among other things, creating situations and activities within the school framework aimed at raising the voices of the students and adopting an attitude of active listening to these voices. Particularly important is the fact that interests are not determined genetically or arise suddenly, but are developed in concrete social practices and in interaction with the other people present in these practices. Therefore, the actions and strategies -carried out for students to identify their interests, reflect on them, explore their origin, development and consequences, contrast them and, in short, review and reconstruct them together with their colleagues and their teachers- occupy a prominent place in the efforts to move towards greater school learning personalization.

Students´ interests and learning objectives

Research team “Learning with sense”


Personal learning pathways: a look at the classroom action from the interests and learning objectives

INS Cardener


Passion for reading

Escola Francesco Tonucci


The students´ interests and learning objectives

Institut Anna Gironella de Mundet
