Artículo: Weaving together the past, present and future in whole class conversations: analyzing the emergence of a hybrid educational chronotope connecting everyday experiences and school science

2022-12-21T17:18:51+01:00diciembre 21st, 2022|Etiquetas: , , , , |

El presente artículo examina en el impacto que tiene el relato de historias de relevancia personal en la implicación que presenta el alumnado hacia el aprendizaje de ciencias.   Resumen: In sociocultural research, many scholars have studied the relationship between students’ everyday lives outside of school and classroom learning. This article contributes to this area by focusing explicitly on the timespace dimensions of meaning making in science education. We draw on Bakhtin’s notion of the chronotope to examine how students can become engaged in science learning through telling stories of personal relevance. We analyze an especially interesting example of a whole-class [...]