Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning—its impact on instructional quality

2024-04-30T11:15:01+01:00September 30th, 2023|Tags: , , , |

Schmid, R., Pauli, Ch., Stebler, R., Reusser, K., & Petko, D. (2022). Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning—its impact  on instructional qualit. The Journal of Educational Research, 115:3, 187-198, DOI: 10.1080/00220671.2022.2089086   Digital technology especially raised hopes to open up new possibilities to personalize learning. Although various schools have implemented approaches of technology-supported personalized learning, the impact on instructional quality remains unclear. As a common definition of the multilayered construct personalized learning is lacking, our study focuses on two theoretical dimensions of technology-supported personalized learning to investigate the impact on instructional quality. For this purpose, our study has analyzed data from a [...]