
El aula vacía

2019-03-12T13:38:31+01:00mayo 26th, 2018|

https://youtu.be/LAD_vEr3oqc Diez directores latinoamericanos aportan su mirada personal al tema de la deserción escolar en la película El Aula Vacía, un documental que busca visualizar este problema en América Latina, donde la mitad de los jóvenes no termina la educación secundaria

“Enseñar es aprender dos veces” Joseph Joubert

2019-03-12T14:15:08+01:00abril 5th, 2018|

Joseph Joubert (Montignac, Périgord, 7 de mayo de 1754 – París, 4 de mayo de 1824) fue un moralista y ensayista francés recordado sobre todo por sus “Pensamientos” publicados póstumamente. Más información en Wikipedia

What is effective learning?

2019-03-12T13:58:47+01:00marzo 11th, 2018|

Watkins, C. (2003). Learning: a sense maker’s guide. London: Institute of Education, University of London. (p.29)

If we teach…

2019-03-12T13:57:16+01:00febrero 27th, 2018|

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow.” (Dewey, 1916, p. 167) Dewey, J. (1916). Democracy and Education. New York: Macmillan Company.

Lifelong and lifewide learning

2019-03-12T13:35:55+01:00enero 12th, 2018|

Tiempo dedicado al aprendizaje en entornos formales (naranja) e informales (azul) a lo largo de nuestra vida. LIFE Center (2005). “The LIFE Center’s Lifelong and Lifewide Diagram”. This diagram was originally conceived by Reed Stevens and John Bransford to represent the range of learning environments being studied at the Learning in Informal and Formal Environments (LIFE) Center (http://life-slc.org). Graphic design, documentation, and calculations were conducted by Reed Stevens, with key assistance from Anne Stevens (graphic design) and Nathan Parham (calculations). FIGURE legend: Estimated time spent in school and informal learning environments. Note: This diagram shows the relative percentage of their waking [...]

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