evaluación de aprendizaje

Student Self Direction Rubric

2021-04-05T08:01:08+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

LEAP Innovations is a national organization headquartered in Chicago, EEUU, that connects innovation and education to transform how students learn. LEAP works directly with educators and innovators to discover, pilot, and scale personalized learning technologies and innovative practices. This protocol, Student Self Direction Rubric, is for students to reflect on their ability to apply previous knowledge to set a goal, take initiative and be reliable, care about the quality of their work, be flexible, and include new ideas when revising work. Download the protocol

A Rubric for Evaluating E-Learning Tools in Higher Education

2020-08-20T08:00:27+01:00Tags: , , , , |

The rubric has been designed in 2018 by Lauren M. Anstey & Gavan P.L. Watson of the Western University (Canada). The rubric is aimed at instructors as a formative tool to evaluate eLearning tools in higher education. It specifically evaluates the suitability of an e-learning tool for the learners' needs and for their own learning outcomes and classroom context. The rubric supports a multi-dimensional evaluation of the next categories: functionality, accessibility, technical elements, mobile design, privacy, data protection and rights, social presence, and teaching presence. Rubric for eLearning Tool Evaluation PDF

Educar en el siglo XXI: Toni Solano y Linda Castañeda

2020-05-19T16:26:44+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Xenon es una empresa de servicios conformada por expertos en educación que acompañan el proceso de transformación de centros educativos hacia la digitalización. Desde el mes de marzo, Xenon ha iniciado el tercer ciclo de conferencias en formato webinar bajo el título "Educar en el siglo XXI. Educar más allá de los muros de la escuela". Semanalmente se realizan conversatorios con diferentes invitados alrededor de temas como la evaluación, el uso de herramientas digitales, entre otros, en el marco de los retos educativos actuales y, particularmente, en relación con la época de confinamiento que vivimos en el que se debe enseñar [...]

32º Congreso Internacional de Psicología (ICP 2020)

2020-02-10T16:36:54+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

La Sociedad de Psicología de la República Checa y Moravia (ČMPS) junto con la Unión de Asociaciones de Psicología de la República Checa (UPA ČR) y la Unión Internacional de Ciencias Psicológicas (IUPsyS) organizan el 32º Congreso Internacional de Psicología (ICP 2020). Dónde: Praga (República Checa) Cuándo: del 19 al 24 de julio de 2020 Este año, el lema del congreso será "Psychology in the 21st Century: open minds, societies & world". Más información en: https://www.icp2020.com/

6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20)

2020-01-15T15:41:37+01:00Tags: , , , , , |

The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) organizes the 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20). This conference is an space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, opinions and research results related to the preparation of students, teaching and learning methodologies and the organization of educational systems. Date: June 2-5, 2020 Place: Faculty of Business Administration and Management of the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)  The following topic areas will be the topics of work (but are not limited) Innovative materials and new tools for teaching Teaching and learning experiences Educational technology (e.g., virtual labs, e-learning) Evaluation and assessment [...]

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