Monthly Archives: agost 2019

Early Progress

2019-09-25T14:33:28+01:00Tags: , , , | The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation seeks to identify strengths, and refine promising personalized learning practices; determine which are most effective; and encourage innovative educators and other leaders to spread the most successful practices to other classrooms, schools, and districts. The concept of personalized learning is still evolving as new models, approaches, and supporting technologies emerge. Still, many of the early adopting schools appear to be implementing similar practices. These include a focus on learner profiles that enable each student to be known well; the development of personalized learning plans for students; progress based on demonstrated knowledge and skills, rather [...]

Cambiar el mundo


La educación es el arma más poderosa que puedes usar para cambiar el mundo.   - Nelson Mandela

Continued Progress

2019-09-25T14:32:31+01:00Tags: , , , | The achievement findings in this report focus on 62 public charter and district schools that are pursuing a variety of personalized learning practices. All of the schools received funding from the Gates Foundation, either directly or through intermediary organizations, to implement personalized learning practices as part of at least one of the following three foundation-supported initiatives: Next Generation Learning Challenges (NGLC), Charter School Growth Fund’s Next Generation School Investments, and the Gates Foundation’s Personalized Learning Pilots. Each of the schools was selected to participate in these initiatives through a competitive process, which included a rigorous evaluation of its leadership team [...]

Libro: Teens, media and collaborative cultures. Exploiting teens’ transmedia skills in the classroom

2019-09-16T15:16:27+01:00Tags: , , , , , , |

Acceso al PDF El libro, publicado en 2018, presenta parte de los resultados del proyecto “Transmedia Literacy” que ha involucrado más de 50 investigadores de 10 universidades en 8 países del mundo. Las preguntas que guiaron la investigación fueron: ¿qué están haciendo los adolescentes con los medios? y ¿cómo aprendieron a hacer esas cosas?. Transmedia Literacy se focaliza en lo que los jóvenes hacen con los medios y los considera productores y consumidores, personas potencialmente capaces de generar y compartir contenidos de diferentes tipos y niveles de complejidad. En la primera parte del libro se hace un resumen de los principales resultados [...]

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